김민정(金珉廷, Kim Min-Jeong)
<문단 약력>
시조시인, 문학박사(성균관대학교 국어국문학과)
1985년 《시조문학》 창간 25주년 지상백일장 장원 등단
현재 한국문인협회 부이사장(상임이사 겸임)
국제펜한국본부 이사, 한국현대시인협회 이사,
한국여성문학인회 이사
한국시조시인협회 중앙자문위원
한국여성시조문학회 고문, 나래시조시인협회 고문
시조집: 『나, 여기에 눈을 뜨네』, 『지상의 꿈』, 『사랑하고 싶던 날』,
『영동선의 긴 봄날』, 『백악기 붉은 기침』, 『바다열차』, 『모래울음을 찾아』,
『누가, 앉아 있다』, 『창과 창 사이』, 『함께 가는 길』, 『꽃, 그 순간』 『펄펄펄, 꽃잎』
엮음집: 『해돋이』 (영문번역시조집, 303명 참여)
『시조, 꽃 피다』 (스페인어번역시조집, 333명 참여)
『시조 축제』 (영어·아랍어번역시조집, 303명 참여)
『교과서에 실어도 좋을 단시조』 (527명 참여)
『교과서에 실어도 좋을 연시조』 (573명 참여)
수필집: 『사람이 그리운 날엔 기차를 타라』
평설집: 『모든 순간은 꽃이다』, 『시의 향기』
논문집: 『현대시조의 고향성』, 『사설시조 만횡청류의 수용과 변모 양상』
나래시조문학상, 시조시학상, 선사문학상, 김기림문학상, 한국문협작가상,
월하문학상, 성균문학상, 대한민국예술문화공로상, 한국여성문학상 외
e-mail : sijokmj@hanmail.net blog : https://sijokmj.tistory.com
She is a Sijo Poetess and received her ph. D. in Korean literature from SungKyunKwan University. She made her literary debut in 1985, when she won the first place in a literary contest, which was held in celebration of the 25 years’ existence after the literary magazine, the Sijo Munhak, was first published. Presently she is the vice president of the Korean Writers’ Association(executive director), a member of the language preservation committee of the Korean PEN under the International PEN, Diretor of the Korean Assoiation of Contemporary Poets, Diretor of the Korean Women’s Literary Society, an advisor of the Korean Female Sijo Writers' Society, and an advisor of the Narae Sijo Poets’ Association.
Her ten collections of sijo poems are as follows: I Open My Eyes Here, An Earthly Dream, The Day I Want to Be in Love, The Long Spring Day of Youngdong Line, A Red Cough of the Cretaceous Period, A Sea Train, In Search of the Sand Crying, Someone Is Sitting, Between Windows, Going Together, A Flower, at the Moment and Fluttering Petals. She edited the English-translated anthology of 303 sijo writers, Sunrise, the Spanish-translated anthology of 333 sijo writers, Sijos en flor and the English and Arabic-translated anthology of 303 sijo writers, Sijo Festival. She edited Sijo poem that can be included in a textbook and series Sijo poem that can be included in a textbook.
She released an essay collection, Take a Train When You Miss Someone; two commentary collections, Every Moment is a Flower and The Fragrance of Poems; two collected papers, On the Meaning of Hometowns in the Modern Sijo Poems, and The Acceptance and Alteration of the Narrative Sijo Poem, 'Manhoengcheonglyu'.
She received the Narae Sijo Prize, the Sijosihak Prize, the Seonsa Literary Prize, the Kim Gi-rim Literary Prize, the Writer Prize of the Korean Writers’ Association, the Wolha Literary Award, the Sungkyun Literary Award, the National Art and Cultrue Achievement Award, etc.
e-mail : sijokmj@hanmail.net blog : https://sijokmj.tistory.com
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