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303명 작품

by 시조시인 김민정 2020. 1. 12.

<An Anthology of Modern Korean Sijo Poems>



전쟁 중의 봄 




거리엔 벽만 우뚝 산 마슬엔 새 밭 매고


전쟁이야 멎건 말건 봄바람 불어 들어


피 흘려 싸우던 들에 속잎 돋아 나온다.




Spring during the War


Lee Seung-man



On the streets, only walls stand;

mountain villagers work on the field.


Whether or not the war is stopped,

a spring breeze blows as it is now.


On the field where people fought and bled

new inner leaves sprout in spring.















남들은 무심할 제 님은 나라 걱정했고


남들은 못 미친 생각 님은 능히 생각했소.


거북선 만드신 뜻을 이어 받드옵니다.




The Ironclad Turtle Ship

Park Jeong-hee


When people were apathetic,

you worried about our country.


When they couldn’t think out anything,

you came up with a great idea.


The turtle ship! You invented the ship.

Let me follow your great wish.















옥중 단시




면회실 마루 위에 세 자식이 큰절하며


새해와 생일 하례 보는 이 애끓는다.


아내여 서러워마라 이 자식들이 있잖소.



A Sijo Poem from Prison

Kim Dae-jung


My three sons made a deep bow

in the police interview room.


Celebrating the New Year’s Day

and my birthday, they were in pain.


My sweet wife! Don’t be sorrowful.

You and I have these good sons.






















음과 양의 조화가

자연의 이치요


관계가 삶이자

만사의 근원이라


생사의 자연현상이

습관이요 결과다.




Life and Death, Good and Evil

Kang Seong-sang

The balance of Yin and Yang

is the logic of good nature.


Relationship is life itself;

it’s the source of everything.


Our habits and the results are

the phenomena of life and death.















백자에 내린 달빛



한 평생 빚은 그릇

옹이 진 작은 대접


달빛이 내려 앉아

넘치듯 채우신다


밤이슬 삼경의 달빛

하도 작아 못 담네



The Moonlight on the White Porcelain

Kang Jung-bu


The potter spent his entire life

for the small bowl which has a knar.


The moonlight sits on the bowl

and fills it up to the bright brim.


It’s too small to hold the night dew

and the moonlight of midnight.


















햇봄 환한 낯빛이

접시 위에 담겨있다


울궈도 씁쓰름한

세상살이 그 맛인데


지금도 혀끝에 도는

내 고향의 씀바귀



Bitter Lettuce

Gyeong Gyu-hee


With a bright face in early spring,

the herbs are put on the plate.


Though I brew them, they taste bitter

like our harsh life in this world.


Even now, my tongue remembers

the bitter lettuce of my hometown.



















그대는 산이면 된다,

이적지도 그래 왔듯


한 생을 방언에 젖어

못 떠나는 인연일랑


파도로 밀고 썰어라

설운 정은 다 띄우마





Gong Yeong-hae

You remain as a mountain;

as always, that is enough.


Spending my life in a dialect,

I can’t cut the relations.


Let the waves solve the relations,

and I will float all the sad love.
















저 경이(驚異)!

곽 종 희


시간이 펄럭이며

바람 곁을 지나더니


때죽나무 놀라서

귀를 쫑긋 세우더니


말뚝도 꽃 피웠다는

풍문들이 무성하다



The Wonder

Gwak Jong-hee


Time passes by the wind,

flickering and fluttering.


Snowbell trees, so surprised,

prick their ears to listen well.


A horse post burst into bloom, too.

The rumors are in the air.
















초록 와불



바람에도 물결에도

흔들리며 사는 세상


위로 피우고 아래로 낳고

할 일 다 한 가시연꽃


물 위에 섬을 만들고

하안거에 들었다.



The Green Buddha in a Reclining Posture

Gu Geum-ja


Our life is shaken and tossed

by the winds and by the waves.


The thorn lotus completes all tasks,

blooming on water, breeding under it.

It enters summer meditation

on the isle built on the water.




















청보리 잎 뚝뚝 뜯어

조선된장 풀어낸 후


홍어 애 서너 점 넣어

한소끔 푹 끓인 탕


창시는 다 녹아버리고

코끝 얼큰한 첫사랑



Fish Intestine Soup

Gu Ae-yeong

I nip off green barley leaves

and dissolve brown soybean paste.


After adding some skate intestines,

I boil the soup for some time.


The boiling melts the intestines;

the spicy scent is my first love.



















꿈보다 추억이

아른아른 피는 곳


전설 속 그 사람들

친척보다 그리워


나 혼자 그레이스켈리의

푸른 눈과 마주쳤다



The Theater for the Aged

Gu Chung-hoi


It’s the place to recall

memories rather than dreams.


I miss the people in the legend

much more than my relatives.


All alone I met the blue eyes

of Grace Kelly on the screen.





















가냘픈 꽃 허리로

육모정 단을 세워

고향을 그리면서

기도 하는 문주란


보름달 파란 달빛이

가는 허리 휘감는다.




A Crinum Lily

Gu Tae-hoi


With the slim waist, it built an altar

in the shape of a hexagon.


Longing for its homeland,

the flower offers prayers.

The blue light of the bright full moon

gently encircles its slim waist.
















삶이란 가파른 벽을

온몸으로 오르는 것


무성한 잎을 드리워

속내는 숨기는 것


비워도 돋는 슬픔은

벽화로 그려낼 뿐





Kwon Gap-ha



Living is climbing a steep wall

by using my whole body.


Living is hiding my heart

by using my dense foliage.


The sorrow, which is never lost,

will be painted on the wall.












절벽이 살아 있다


죽은 사람이 있어 절벽이 살아 있다


안 죽은 사람이 있어 절벽은 빛나고 있다


절벽이 거기 있어서 이야기를 보낸다




A Cliff Is Alive

Kwon Do-jung


As persons die there at a cliff

we can say the cliff is alive.


As people don’t die there at a cliff,

we can say that the cliff shines.


As a cliff remains at the place,

we add stories to the cliff.
















가을 무늬


참 곱게 늙은

플라타너스 앞입니다


어쩜 이리 환할까

은행나무 곁입니다


사느라 찌든 나도 가만

햇살 아래 섰습니다



Autumn Patterns

Kwon Young-hee

How lovely this plane tree grows!

I’m standing in front of it.


How brilliant this tree looks!

I’m standing by the ginkgo tree.


All worn out by hardship of life,

I am standing in the sunlight.





















사랑아 너도 한때

미쳐 불타지 않았니


비 내리는 포도에서

짓밟히고 마는가


헤매다 어쩔 수 없이

낙엽으로 누웠다




Kwon Hyeok-mo


O my love, I remember

you ever gave a burning love.


However, will you be trampled

on the pavement where raindrops fall?


You’ve wandered; now you have no choice

but to lie down as a dead leaf.



















을숙도 일몰



철새 떼 일가족이

저녁상 차려낸다


갈대를 꺾어다가

수저 몇 벌 올려놓고


저녁놀 꽃자리 핀다

숭늉처럼 뜨겁다



The Sunset at the Isle of Eulsuk

Kim Jeong

A great flock of migrating birds

sets the table for their supper.


The birds break some silver reeds,

on which they lay spoons and chopsticks.


The sunset spreads a floral mat,

which is as hot as rice tea.














              김 준


빛나고 싶습니다 빛나고 싶습니다


산에서 나무들은 여기저기 야단이다


가을은 설악산부터 불을 놓기 시작한다



  Red-tinted Autumnal Leaves

Kim Jun



I would like to shine brightly.

I would like to shine brightly.


Here and there on the mountains

the trees go on the razzle-dazzle.


In autumn, mountains are ablaze

with scarlet tints from Mt. Seorak.






















고독마저 황홀하게

사르는 석양빛을


늘 시린 가슴에다

모닥불로 지펴 놓고


무상을 휘감고 앉아

그 아픔을 삭인다.




A Rock

Kim Gwang-su



The splendor of the sunset

burns solitude into rapture.


A rock holds the glowing light

as a bonfire for its cold mind.


Realizing the transience of life,

the rock eases its own pain.

















김 교 한


해맑은 바람 소리

푸르게 물들이며


어두운 밤 빈 낮에도

갖은 유혹 뿌리쳤다


미덥다 층층이 품은 봉서 

누설 않는 한 평생.



A Bamboo

Kim Gyo-han


O dyeing the clean sound

of the wind verdant green,


the bamboo refused all lures

in the dark night and at daytime.


Reliable! It kept its mouth shut

for sealed letters throughout life.




















경호 받으며 실려 온

아이스박스 속의 심장


한번 죽고 나면

더는 죽는 일 없다지만


창 밖에 진눈깨비가

푸른빛 띠며 내린다.



Heart Transplantation

Kim Gwi-jae


The heart came in an icebox,

being escorted cautiously.


Only once all of us die,

so we don’t need to die again.


It’s sleeting outside the window,

glitteringly with green tints.


















따뜻한 사랑으로

긍정을 불러내는


행복이 벙그는 꽃

평화의 고운 음표


기쁨이 퍼져 나오는

환한 고요의 메아리.




Kim Gi-ok


Smiles invite positive words

with the heart of warm love.


Smiles are flowers for happiness.

They’re music notes for our peace.


They’re echoes with the bright quietude,

helping delight spread all over.



















밤하늘 쳐다보며 커피를 마신다


어둠이 머리 풀고 잔 속에 춤추는데


당신은 어디에 있나 어느 가슴에 떠 있나




The End of the Lunar Month

Kim Na-bi

Looking up at the night sky,

I enjoy having coffee.

Just like shaking the hair out loose,

darkness dances in the small cup.


Let me know where you are right now,

and whose heart is holding you.





















보인다, 끝이 보인다

피안에 숨은 무지개


어둠이 창궐하는

구만 길 수렁을 헤쳐


그 열반 빛부신 끝에서

환생하는 나를 본다.



A Lotus Flower

Kim Nam-hwan


It is seen; its end is seen.

It’s the rainbow in nirvana.


I pull myself out of the abyss

where darkness spreads rampantly.


O I see myself be born again

in the bright state of nirvana.

















울음낭 터뜨리고 나 대신 누가 우는가


가을을 끌어안고 밤새워 누가 우는가


그믐달 새벽이슬 밟으며 한 사람을 보낸다




A Cricket

Kim Deok-nam


Who bursts out into tears,

now crying out instead of me?


Who’s sobbing all night long

with autumn in his heart?

O stepping on early morning dew

under an old moon, I let her go.



















우체통이 사라진 횡단보도 그 자리에

건네지 못한 사연 뿔뿔이 흩어져있다

반송될 우표 한 장씩 제 가슴에 품고서





Kim Dong-gwan


At the place of the crosswalk

the mailbox has disappeared.


So some stories, which were not sent,

are scattered here and there.


Each of them holds a postage stamp

for return mail, in their heart.
















비단필 펼쳐논 듯 옥빛의 남쪽바다

높아진 깊은 허공 티 없는 쪽빛 하늘


보리암 단풍 바람에 시를 읊는 물결소리



The South Sea Is

Kim Myeong-ho


The South Sea is of a jade hue

like a silk cloth is spread out.

The deep space gets much higher;

the clear sky is indigo blue.


The sea waves are reciting poems

with the maple wind of Boriam.*





* Boriam: a monk’s cell or a hermitage in the Island of Namhae















내리지 않는 열이

목젖을 태우다가


까닭 없이 서러워

하루가 무거운 날


생채기 진물자리도

저리 곱게 꽃 피면



Red-tinted Autumnal Leaves

Kim Min-seong


The fever hasn’t gone down,

but it parches my uvula.


As I feel sad with no reason,

today I have a heavy heart.


O I hope, the oozing from my hurt

is able to turn into flowers.

















마음 한 장



펼치면 온 우주를

다 덮고도 남지요


오므리면 손바닥보다

작은 것이 되지요


마음과 마음 사이에서

웃고 울며 살지요



A Piece Of Mind

Kim Min-jeong


Open your mind, and you will see

it’s larger than the cosmos.


Close your mind, and you will see

it's smaller than your palm.


You have lived, laughing or weeping,

waveringly between two minds.


















피멍울 방울방울 속내에 맺힌 날들


사연을 풀지 못해 빨갛게 달아올라


그리움 아려오는 날 그 자리에 툭 툭 툭


Camellia Flowers

Kim Min-ji

The flowers have red blood clots,

one by one deep in my heart.


As their anguish can’t be removed

each clot takes on a red glow.


On the day their longing gets worse,

they plop down one by one.
























보이지 않는 그와

응대하기 힘이 들어


스마트폰을 꺼버렸다.

비로소 나는 놓여났다.


눈부신 가을 하늘이

보이기 시작했다.



To Know Heaven?s Will

Kim Bok-geun


The man was out of sight,

so it’s hard to cope with him.

I turned off my mobile phone;

for the first time, I was set free.


Moreover, the bright autumn sky

began to be seen over my head.














편지를 쓰다가



쓰던 편지 접어두고 차 한 잔 마주한다


잔잔한 그대 미소 봄날인 양 따스했지


여울져 스러진 날들 물무늬 져 맴돈다



While Writing a Letter

Kim Bong-goon

I postpone writing a letter,

and I have a cup of tea.


I reflect on your gentle smile,

which was as warm as a spring day.


The good days are already gone,

still lingering on my mind.

















한란 寒蘭



날 세워 창살을 베는

서슬 푸른 넋이 있다


한 목숨 지켜낼 일이

갈수록 막막하건만


향만은 맡길 데 없어

이 삼동을 떨고 있다.



The Winter Orchid

Kim Sang-ok


The orchid has a sharp soul

which can cut the window bars.


However, saving its life

is getting more difficult.


There’s no place to leave its scent,

so it quivers all winter long.

















바다와 당신



바다를 자주 찾는 건, 늘 그 자리에 있어서다


태풍으로 날뛰며 사나울 때 있어도


당신은 나의 바다다 물결처럼 설레는




The Sea and You

Kim Seok-i

As the sea is always there,

I visit it very often.


At times the sea meets a typhoon

and it gets so ferocious.

However, you are my own sea;

you make me roll like the waves.





















진통으로 지새운 밤

가뭇없이 물러가고


적막 속에 꽃이 곱다

환히 뜬 영혼의 눈


순백에 속진(俗塵) 끼일라

꿈결이듯 부신 아침.



Snow Flower

Kim Seok-cheol


Feeling throes, it stayed up all night.

But the night fled without trace.


Now it looks good in the stillness

with the eyes of the bright souls.


To prevent the pure white from dirt,

the morning sparkles like a dream.




















당신의 애절한 맘 그가 잘 몰라줄 때


살며시 다가가서 옆구리 콕 찌를게요


꼭 집어 아니 말해도 알아듣게 할게요




Kim Seon-ho


Though you love him in your heart,

he may not know your affection.


If you want, I'll go near him

and I’ll nudge him in the ribs.


Never do I say straightforward,

but I’ll have him know your love.




















그대가 보입니다

마주 선 환한 모습


유리문 안쪽으로

못 보는 그대 보입니다


창 너머 바라만 보아도

활짝 나는 핍니다



A Sunflower

Kim Seon-hwa

You are seen; with a bright smile

you and I stand face to face.

I see you through the window,

though you can't look inside it.


By looking out of the window,

I come to be in full bloom.
















말의 행방



툭 던진 말 한마디 쨍그랑 깨진 하늘


사람을 돌고 돌아 메아리로 다시 온 말


차라리 눈감고 말걸 입단속이 우선이다




The Trace of Our Words

Kim Seon-hee



Our careless word can break the sky

into small pieces with a crash.


The word is passed to other people,

and it returns as an echo.

We’d rather close our eyes than talk;

what we need is ‘Mind Our Words.’



















문자가 없는 나는 고작 그게 편지였네 


물 위를 뛰어가는 깨금발 조약돌


세상에속엣 말 한가운데 뜨겁게 딛고 가네




Skipping Stones Over Water

Kim So-hae


As I was unlearned yet,

all the stones were my letters.


The stones skipped with one foot

on the surface of the water.


It’s awesome! The stones took hot steps

into my heart of hearts.






















위대한 사상가며 

비폭력 무저항주의자


침묵의 눈빛으로

메시지 대신하고


그대 곧 떠난 자리에

목련꽃 피었네요.



Spring Rain

Kim Su-ja


Spring rain is a great thinker

and a non-violent non-resistant.


By using the silent glance

the rain sends us a message.


O Spring Rain! at the place you left,

magnolias burst into bloom.
















다산의 숨소리



고요를 두드리며 메아리 손을 잡고


시 한수 잉태하여 바람에 읊조리며


낙조에 실은 화답을 기다리는 산고여.




The Breathing Sound of Productivity

Kim Suk-seon


Patting quietude on the back,

I hold the hands of the echoes.


I manage to write a poem

and recite it with a gentle breeze.


Now I wait for the good response

from the glow of the sunset.




















우전차를 마시며



앙감질 그 햇살에 숨 고르고 크던 잎새


초록물 든 손길마다 봄빛 풀어 되작이더니


오늘은 나의 찻잔에 스롯 감겨 오시는가




Drinking Woojeon Green Tea

Kim Suk-hee


Fluttering in the sunshine,

the leaves grew up to be the tea.


Every hand is dyed greenish,

toning in with the spring scene.


O today, is the green tea served

to my teacup with its scent?






















장마에 헐린 곡간 그 허기 한 짐 지고


기대지 않고서야 넘어갈 수 없는 길을


한고비 세장에 걸고 허리 펴신 아버지




A Stick for an A-Frame Rack

Kim Seung-jae


The long rain tore down our shed,

so Dad struggled against hunger.


By leaning on the humble stick,

he managed to cross the road.


He conquered his severe hardships;

now he stretches his bent back.





















흰 눈은 침묵으로

곱게 덮어 가리지만


소나기는 함성으로

두들겨서 씻어낸다


밤새워 쏟아지소서

세상 맑게 하소서.




A Shower

Kim Yeo-geun


Pure white snow covers all things,

concealing them with deep silence.


A shower batters all things

washing them with all the shouts.


O shower, pour down all night long.

Make the whole world clean and clear.



















밤 새워 솔숲에서

소쩍소쩍 울음 울어


개오동 잎사귀에

어둠을 지울 무렵


숨어서 숨어서 피는

진창의 저 민들레



Beguiling the Time

Kim Yeon-dong


All night long in the pine grove

scops-owls hoot tu-whit tu-whoo.


By the time darkness recedes

from the leaves of catalpa trees,


dandelions start to be in bloom

out of the mud, out of sight.


















흐르다 멈춘 것들

모두 섬이 되었다


어둠 속 방 한가운데

깊게 가라앉고 있는


세월만 층으로 쌓인

울 어머니 뒷모습





Kim Yeon-mi


When things flowed and stopped flowing,

all of them became islands.


In the middle of a dark room

Mom seemed to sink down bit by bit.


My mother looked so from her back,

which was showing heaps of the years.
















어둠이 찾아드는 파아란 숲속에서

조각달 마주하고 오던 길 비춰보니

인욕의 시간들 속에 내 얼굴이 뜨겁다



The Moonlike Mirror

Kim Yeong-seok


Darkness creeps into the forest

which is covered with greenery.


Taking a look at a crescent moon,

I look back on my long way.


My past days of excessive greed

make my face burn with shame.























내 밭에 있으면 풀!

길가에 있으면 꽃!


풀과 꽃 사이를

빠져나간 쥐꼬리


세상에 그도 꽃이라고

희롱하는 나비야



Kim Yeong-soon


It’s just a weed in my field!

It’s a flower by the roadside!


A rattail has slipped away

through a weed and a flower.


Butterflies are flirting with the weed,

thinking of it as a flower.

















봄이 온다



까치가 분주 터니

실금 같은 비가 내려


메마른 가지 끝을

하루 종일 다독다독


지난해 꽃 진 자리가

솟지 않고 어쩌랴




Spring Comes

Kim Yeong-ae


As magpies have been busy,

the misty rain is coming down.


All day long, the fine drizzle pats

each dry bough and each dry twig.


No wonder flowers bloom again,

where the flowers fell last year.


















사는 게 아득한 날은

선암사에 가보세요


근심 푸는 해우소

근심 없는 무전


육백 년 늙은 매화는

봄 오면 꽃 피워요



Seonam Temple

Kim Yeong-jae


When you feel life is too long,

pay a visit to Seonam Temple.


The toilet helps you remove worries;

The Buddhist hall makes you care-free.


The plum tree, aged 600 years,

is in full bloom every spring.















붉은 감기


가을 산 다녀와서

홍시처럼 앓는 여인


가슬가슬한 이마 위에

낙엽 타는 냄새가 난다


단풍만 담으라 했는데

불을 안고 왔는지



A Scarlet Cold

Kim Yeong-cheol


She has been to autumn hills;

now she’s sick like red persimmons.


O the smell of burning leaves

is coming from her rough brow.

I told her to bring autumn leaves,

but she brought a fire instead.

















어이 갚고



날이면 나날마다 은혜로이 살고 있네!


자연도 이웃들도 한결 같이 아끼시니


내 살아 입은 은혜들 어이 갚고 갈거나.



How Can I Pay Them back?

Kim Yeong-hwan


I have lived an affluent life

in God’s grace, day after day!


Both nature and my neighbors

care about me consistently.


How can I pay all of them back

before I go to heaven?





















빈 그릇



넘치는 그릇보다

빈 그릇이 아름다워


바람도 담아 보고

달빛도 담아 보고


청정한 저 하늘까지도

담아 볼 수 있기에.



An Empty Bowl

Kim Ok-jung


Empty bowls are prettier

than the bowls which are too full.


In one bowl, we put the wind;

In another, we put moonlight.


What is more, even the fair sky

can be put well in the bowl.


















연못 가득 피워 올린

꽃잎 속에 말씀 하나


해맑은 동승들의

몸짓으로 살아나면


행복은 거기 그렇게

옷자락에 숨어 있다.



A Lotus Flower

Kim Yong-jin

There’s a word in the petals

that fill the pond to the edge.


The word revives by the gestures

of the boy monks who’re innocent.


Happiness lies hidden in that way

under the edge of their clothes.

















가산바위 우러러보며



맑은 향기 뿜어내는

한 송이 연꽃이다


허공에 높이 솟은

다보여래 칠보탑이다


좋도다! 한 마음 열면

꽃비 내리는 세상이다.




Looking Up at Gasan Rock

Kim Woo-yeon



Giving off fine fragrance,

the rock is like a lotus.


It stands tall into the air

like the Tower of Great Buddha.


It’s so great! If you open a mind

you’ll meet the world of flower rain.

















풀 꽃 



아무리 작디작은

풀꽃이라 하더라도


보면 볼수록 예쁘지

않은 것이 없고


정들면 들수록, 사랑하지

않을 수가 없구나



Grass Flowers

Kim Wol-jun


No matter how tiny

grass flowers may look to me,


The more I see the flowers,

the more I think they’re all pretty.


As I grow more attached to them,

I can’t avoid loving them more.













가을 강


마음을 가다듬어 강둑을 걷다보니


백로가 넋을 잃고 사색에 빠져 있다


앞산이 거꾸로 서서 참선하는 모습 보며




The Autumn River

Kim Yu-je


Keeping cool, I walk alone

along the bank of the river.


Captivated, a white heron

is absorbed in deep thought.


The bird saw the front hill standing

upside down, doing zazen.
















데이빗 맥캔


갓 쓰고 도포 입고 정자 앉아 읊조리다


이것은 혁명이다 푸른 눈의 사나이


온 몸에 시조향 담고 쏼라쏼라 읊는다




David McCann

Kim Yun-soong


Wearing a gat* and a dopo**,

he sits and sings at a gazebo.


It must be ‘revolution’;

a blue-eyed man recites sijo!

He does so in fluent Korean,

showing sijo from head to foot.




* gat: the Korean traditional male hat that’s made of bamboo and horsehair

** dopo: the Korean traditional full-dress gown for men














삿된 허물 온갖 남루
포근히 덮으면서

내리네, 눈 내리네,
온 누리에 첫 눈이

바벨탑 높이 쌓았나,
합장한 손 떨리네.





Kim Eun-ja


Covering well every kind

of misdeeds and shabby rags,


white snow falls; it is falling.

The first snow falls into the world.


Did it build the Tower of Babel?

Both folded hands are trembling.

















민들레 꽃씨


안았다 풀어주던

풋사랑의 흔적처럼


홀로 떠다녔다

먼 봄의 끄트머리


오늘은 어느 하늘가

바람 집을 지을까




A Dandelion Seed

Kim Eun-ha

It’s like a trace of my first love

I once held and then set free.


It has floated all alone

until the end of the springtime.


At which edge of the sky shall I build

today’s house for the wind?

















삼 개월 된 손주와

이순 넘은 할머니가


쇼팽의 피아노곡을 듣다

꽃잠 속에 빠집니다


손주는 나비가 되고

할머니는 번데기 되고



A Fable

Kim In-sook


Here’s a grandson aged 3 months,

and his grandma aged over 60.


Listening to a piano piece

by Chopin, they fall asleep.

The grandson becomes a butterfly;

the grandma becomes a pupa.
















눈이 있는 풍경

김 일 우



눈 내린 다음 날의 햇볕이 싫습니다


환히 드러나 버린 내 꿈이 싫습니다


빈 가슴 가려움증에 당달靑盲이고 싶습니다



The Snowy Landscape

Kim Il-woo


I dislike the sunshine

the next day after it snowed.


I dislike my own dream

that is revealed to others.


I would like to be a bat-blind man

who can’t see the itchy heart.


















비어 있어도


소나기 올까말까

꽃들은 필까말까


너를 두고 넘겨보며

애가 타던 날들이


어느 덧 바람의 여백

찰랑이는 여기까지



Though It Is Empty

Kim Im-soon

I wonder if it showers;

I wonder if flowers bloom.


Those past days I coveted you

often made me so agonized.


Unnoticed, the wind’s calming down

in a flutter to this place.
















번지는 이국 내음 어디 가나 마법 같다


너도 나도 향에 끌려 못 끊는 이 중독성,


먼 나라 가까운 나라 지구 안팎 덥혀대는



Kim Jeong-su


The flavor is so exotic;

it works magic everywhere.

We're all drawn to the flavor;

we can't give up this addiction.


All nations, whether near or far,

are addicted to coffee.


















시리아 난민



?아빠, 제발 죽지 말아요?

한마디 말 남기고


파도에 떠밀려 온

어린 꽃잎 모래 무덤


구름도 멈칫, 눈시울 젖어

빗방울을 뿌리는...



The Refugee of Syria

Kim Jeong-hee


?O Papa, please do not die.?

It’s the last word she left behind.


Swept away upon the shore,

a young petal lies in a sand grave.

Even clouds, deeply moved to tears,

stop and sprinkle down some raindrops.




















공책 알갱이는

어느덧 다 찢겨나가고


열심히 띄운 배도 학도

안 보인 지 오래여라


빳빳턴 성깔만 남아

닳고 삭고 있어라  




The Cover Page

Kim Jae-hyeon


All the pages of my notebook

were torn out before I knew.


I haven’t seen my paper boats

and paper cranes for ages.


What’s left is the hard cover page,

which is getting worn and smudged.

















석 달 만에 온 아들이

집 떠날 채비를 하자


처마 밑에 쭈그려 앉은

일흔 된 쭈그렁 노모


입김을 호호 불면서

구두를 닦고 있다




A Tacit Understanding

Kim Jin-gil


In three months her son came home,

but he’s ready to leave again.


His old mother, who’s seventy,

squats herself under the eaves.


She’s breathing the boots of her son

to make them shine with her breath.















꽃과 밭



꽃이 밭에 살면서

하늘을 우러르고


밭이 내준 몸에서

피어난 눈물 꽃은


뿌리로 감싸 안으며

꽃이 밭을 살려낸다.



Flowers and the Garden

Kim Jin-dae


While living in the garden,

flowers look up to the heaven.


The flowers bloom at the place

which the garden prepared for them.


Embracing the soil with their roots,

the flowers make the place fertile.



















연분홍 바람소리

시간을 멈춰 놓고


사랑한다 사랑한다

뻐꾹새 풀어 놓고


산그늘 앞섶 여미는

낙화암 위 노부부



The Korean Love Tree

Kim Jin-hee


The wind whistles in pink color;

The whistling stops the passing time.


“I love you, I love you,”

a cuckoo repeats the words.


An old couple stands on Nakhwa Rock

under the shade of a mountain.














알뜨르 동백꽃




제로센 전투기 소리

귀 쟁쟁한 알뜨르


태평양 칼바람이

오름 코를 베던 그날


모슬포, 어물전 큰딸

온 몸에 핀 총탄 자국들



The Camellia Flowers of Alddreu*

Kim Chun-gi


Alddreu was full of the noises

of the Zero-Sen fighters**.


On the day when the harsh wind

of the Pacific hit cinder cones,


Mosle Harbor saw the big daughter

of a fish dealer shot to death.



* Alddreu: the former Japanese Army Camp on Jeju Island

** Zero-Sen Fighters: the Japanese fighter planes during the 2nd world war













하얀 목련



저 집엔 누가 살까

무슨 기쁨 저리 많아


담 너머 목련꽃이

해종일 벙그는가


꽃등 단 화사한 마을

봄 소문이 자자하다.



White Magnolia Flowers

Kim Tae-eun


Who’s living in that house?

The person may be happy.


Magnolias burst into bloom

all day long over the fence.


It’s rumored that the flower lamps make

the village bright this springtime.















어느 아침



밝은 창 마주하고

글이나 읽어볼까


난간에 기척 있어

까치 한 마리 힐끗


자르르 미끄러지듯

눈치 보며 종종걸음.



One Morning

Kim Tae-ja


I’d rather read a book

in front of a bright window.


But a sound from the handrail

makes me look at a magpie.


Slippery! The bird glances at me

and slides away on the trot.

















누군가 철길 밟고 와



사람 마음 한 가닥

둘 곳 없는 간이역에


망초꽃 하얗게 뿌려

모둠모둠 외로움 핀 곳


누군가 철길 밟고 와

노랫말을 뿌리고 간다.


Someone Came along the Rail Tracks

Kim Tae-hee


At a flag stop, where we can’t put

even a piece of our own mind,


horse-weed flowers are in full bloom

here and there with white loneliness.


Someone comes along the rail tracks;

he scatters songs and he leaves.
















일상의 부호


저녁 해 산마루에
마침표로 앉으면

발자국 눈길 위에
쉼표로 옮기는데

그림자 오늘을 돌아보는
물음표로 따라온다.



Daily Marks

Kim Hyang-gi


When the sun sits at the hilltop

as a period in the evening,


I leave commas of my footprints

on the road covered with snow.


My shadow, as a question mark

about today, follows me.




















잊자고 널 잊자고

해와 달을 지웠지만


문득 바라본 하늘

낙관으로 박혔구나


낮달아 하늘에 걸린 

내 아픔의 문신아  



A Day Moon

Kim Ho-gil


In order to forget you,

I wiped away both sun and moon.


But I happen to see the sky;

O the sky bears your signature.


A day moon! You hang in the sky

as a tattoo of my pain.





















단단하게 무장하고 하루를 맞지만


예고 없는 공격과 상처뿐인 시간들


수없이 생채기 내며 다져지는 생의 일기



A Cutting Board

Kim Hyo-ee


Well-equipped impeccably,

a cutting board greets a new day.


But it faces unwarned attacks,

so it spends a stressful time.


Many times, it endured scratches

every day to be better.

















사람이 가슴을 열면

그 깊이는 얼마일까


온 겨울 다져온

저 노란 생명의 두께


얼마나 더 깊어져야

저 향기로 다가갈까




Cornelian Cherry Flowers

Kim Hee-seon


If a man opens his mind

I wonder how deep it is.


All winter the tree prepared

to lengthen the yellow life.


How deeper do I need to be

to come closer to the scent?



















잉걸불로 타오르던

그리움도 사위고


미워할 그 무엇도

남지 않은 세월 밖에서


끝끝내 지우지 못한

종두자국 같은 것아




Na Soon-ok


My longing was flaming embers,

but now it’s fading away.

In my life, there isn’t much left

for hatred towards others.


O you are like a vaccine scar

I haven’t removed until now.

















검버섯 번지던

아득한 길 끝 저기


소나무의 양각처럼

둥글어진 묫자리


삭은 몸 툭! 뽑혀 나온

애가 끓던 빈자리



A Nail Hole

Nam Gung-jeung


Age spots spread over there

to the end of a long road.


The nail hole is a round grave site

like embossment on a pine tree.


The old nail was pulled out of the hole;

the vacant place was a sore place.




















밤하늘을 좇는다

날개 하나 없으면서


등판에 수놓는다

홑눈 하나 없으면서


송천松川골 별바라기는

낙엽 썰며 흐른다



* 민날개강도래: 아주 작은 물벌레로 현미경으로만 보임

Scopuridage Bugs

Noh Yun-ji


The bugs pine for the night sky,

though they don’t have any wings.


They embroider on their brown back,

though they don’t have any eyes.


Star-Seekers of Songcheon Valley!

They float gnawing fallen leaves.


* scopuridage bugs: tiny water bugs seen only by a microscope









두견새 사연



가슴이 저린 사연

서리서리 맺힌 밤


두견새 피울음에

달이 지고 별이 지고


그 자리 맺힌 눈물이

사리되어 구른다




The Story of a Little Cuckoo

Noh Jae-yeon


The story is heart-wrenching;

the bird weeps through the night.


At the crying of the sad bird

the moon sets and the stars fall.


At the place, the tears of the bird

become Sarira* and roll around.



* Sarira: small crystals found among cremated remains of monks















논개는 흰 바위꽃

한사코 지지 않은


송백 뜻 겹 세우고

제 혼백을 던져들던


침묵은 끝끝내 노을

남강 세세 절개 푸른



The Rock of Righteousness

Noh Chang-su

Non-gae* is a white flower

on the rock that’s never gone.


With a strong will of a pine tree

she threw herself into the air.


The silence became a sunset glow;

the Nam River flows with her soul.



* Non-gae: During the Japanese invasion (1592~1598), she threw herself into the Nam River, hugging a Japanese commander.













상자 속 귤들이 저들끼리 상하는 동안


바깥은 고요하고 평화롭고 무심하다


상처는 옆구리에서 나온다네, 어떤 것도.




Ryu Mi-ya


Tangerines hit each other

and get hurt in the box.


Outside the box, it is so quiet,

so peaceful and detached.


All the scars come out of the side.

It is true of all things.
























내 생의 흐느낌은 거울 속에 들어있다


정수리에 흔들리는 몇 올 남은 머리카락


굽이진 반생의 길이 성긴 눈발처럼 떨어진다





Silver Grass Flowers

Ryu Mi-wol

The sobbing of my whole life

can be found in the mirror.

Some strands of hair still remain,

wavering on top of my head.


Half my life, which was a curved road,

is flapping down like snowflakes.

















긴 세월 접어놓고

엉킨 눈빛 풀어놓고


천 년 전 하늘까지

마디마디 새겨 넣고


돌돌돌 어둠을 씻는다.

새가 와서 지저귄다.  



A Ring

Ryu Je-ha


Putting down a lot of years,

it unloosens the tangled glances.


It includes even the sky

of a thousand years ago.


Its darkness is washed away;

then a bird comes, twittering.
















노 부부


공원 벤치 백발 부부

잡은 손이 찰떡이다


몸도 하나 맘도 하나

비익조比翼鳥를 예서 본다


쇠줄로 찬찬 동이고

노을 속을 나는



An Aged Couple

Ryu Jun-shik


An aged couple, who are gray-haired,

hold their hands on a park bench.


They have one mind and one body;

here I see them as Mythical Birds*.


They’re flying, being tied with a chain,

in the red glow of sunset.



* Mythical Birds: a legendary pair of male and female birds, each with one eye and one wing, always flying together














인적 없는 이 갯가에 내가 홀로 선다 해도


진분홍 꽃등불을 적요(寂寥)의 뜰에 높이 달고


한 생애 가시 끝을 벼리어 나를 초달하리라



A Salt-spray Rose 

Lee Gang-ryong


I imagine I stand alone

on this sea shore which is trackless.


I’ll hang high a floral lamp

of purple color in the quiet air.


Sharpening my thorns in my life,

I will transcend my own self.























가시 있는 나무는

고목이 없단다.


아버님 생전에

남기신 훈계 말씀

세상을 지나오면서

새록새록 다시 살아



A Song For My Father

Lee Chang-geun



If a tree has thorns on it,

it can not be an old tree.


The words are a good lesson

my father gave before his death.


When I get through life's ups and downs,

his good words come to my mind.




















당신들 노시던 달

오늘도 둥실 뜨오


밤 대추 햇 송편에

있고 없고 갖춘 정성


들국화 피는 한 강산서

오손도손 나눕시다.



The Korean Thanksgiving Day

Lee Tae-geuk


Tonight, too, the moon will rise.

It’s a full moon you have enjoyed.


We cordially prepare some foods:

chestnuts, jujubes, half-moon rice cake.


In the field of wild chrysanthemums

let’s have the food together.


















- 용서를 빌며


마음이 먹물 되어 붓끝을 적시고도


글로는 부질없어 백지인 채 띄웁니다


하늘 땅 가 닿을 곳 모를 바람결에 실어서




My Dear Parents

- Begging for Forgiveness


Mo Sang-cheol


My heart turns into black ink;

the brush-tip is dipped in it.

But words can’t express my mind,

so I send just a blank page.

Not knowing where it will arrive,

I’m sending it in the wind.















'그냥'이란 말과 마냥

친해지고 싶다 나는


그냥그냥 자꾸 읊조리면

속된 것 다 빠져나가


얼마나 가벼워지느냐

그냥 그냥 또 그냥.



Just Without Any Reason

Mun Mu-hak



I’ll make friends with the words,

‘just without any reason.’


When I often repeat the words,

maybe bad things go out of me.


O how much can I feel lighter

just without any reason?

















상표 없는 구두


아버지의 뒷모습이 남아있는 골목길에


낙엽처럼 버려진 낡은 구두 한 켤레


노숙자 가다가 멈춰 만져보고 그냥 간다



The Shoes Without Any Trademark

Mun Bok-hee

The memory of my father

still remains in the alley.


A pair of shoes, old and worn out,

is laid there like fallen leaves.


A person, homeless, stops walking

to touch the shoes, but he just leaves.

















금빛 합장




봄날엔 빌지 않아도

꽃들이 피어난다


부활절도 초파일도

이제 겨우 지났는데


누굴 더 섬기란 건가

구롬비나무 어린 손들



Putting the Hands Together in a Golden Light


Mun Soon-ja



Though we don’t pray on a spring day,

spring flowers are sure to bloom.


We had some time to celebrate

Easter Day and Buddha’s Birthday.


Who else do we have to worship

with the young hands of Fiwa?
















지금 몇 시인가



사람만이 내일 일을

궁금해 한다는데


현재는 버려두고

지난 것에 집착하고


오늘은 바늘귀에 꿰는

명주실이 아닌가.



What Time Is It Now?

Mun Yeong-soon


Only humans tend to wonder

about tomorrow’s schedule.


They forget the present;

they get stuck in the past.


Today means the silk thread going

through a needle’s eye, doesn’t it?




















내 귀에 달팽이가 

세 들어와 산다.


한 여름 내내  

매미 울음만 듣다가


어느새 가을이 왔는지

귀뚜라미가 울어 싼다.


The Age of Sixty

Mun Ju-hwan


A snail came into my ear

and lives in it as my tenant.


All summer long, I only heard

the loud noises of cicadas.


It’s autumn before I know it;

so I hear crickets chirping.














감은 눈 속, 님의 길은

빤히 열린 외 오솔길.


날 오라 손짓하고

만월 하나 걸어놓고


눈 뜨자 못 미칠 적적寂寂

빈 들판의 휘파람.




Park Gyeong-yong


Your own way, in my closed eyes,

is sure to be a single pathway.


When a full moon hangs in the sky,

you beckon me to come nearer.


However, when I open my eyes,

the wind whistles in a bleak plain.



















비가 옵니다 붉은 비가 옵니다


산에도 바다에도 마을에도 가슴에도


무정란 풀꽃이 하나 씨내리로 웁니다.



Acid Rain

Park Gwang-hun


The rain is coming down.

Red rain is coming down,


on the mountain, on the sea

on the village, and on my heart.


With no seeds, a grass flower weeps,

asking for seeds from others.
























물 먹고 물 먹어도

못 떠난 세월의 강


이목구비 다 내주고

어깨선도 눅어지고


이제는 그냥 굴러도

아무데나 어울리는 돌.



A Pebble

Park Gu-ha


A pebble drank and drank water,

but it couldn’t leave the river of years.


Giving its ears, eyes, mouth, and nose,

now the pebble has drooping shoulders.


No matter where it rolls around,

the pebble looks good with others.




















원래 우리 어머니는

무사의 후예였다


매복의 작은 횃불로

들을 환히 태우다가


머리가 하얗게 세면

달을 향해 활을 쏜다



A Dandelion Flower

Park Gwon-sook


My mother used to be

a descendant of the warriors.


With a small torch in an ambush

she caused the plain to burn white.


To the moon she shot an arrow

when her hair turned silver.



















살얼음 일흔 겹을

맨발로 깨어내고


가슴에 맺힌 한을

얼음 속에 풀어 본다


삭신을 태운 신열이

끓어나는 소금길




The Salt Road

Park Geun-mo


In bare feet I have broken

seventy layers of thin ice.


Now I ease my pent-up grudge

with the help of the ice cubes.


The fever in my sinews and joints

still rises up on my salt road.

















한 바퀴 돌고 나면 하루가 지나가고


공들여 돌보아서 피어난 화사한 꽃


벗님의 진솔한 모습 빼어 닮은 시계초




A Passion Flower

Park Myeong-ok


If it makes a rotation,

naturally a day passes.


I’ve tended it with great effort;

it came to bloom gorgeously.


Its figure exactly resembles

the appearance of my dear friend.





















방은 아직 삼천 냉돌

얼음장을 닮았어도


대병풍 열두 폭을

낙낙히 둘러 두고


금침 속 연연한 정에

밤은 사뭇 봄이로다




Park Byeong-soon


The room is bitterly cold

just like a sheet of glacial ice.


But the room is surrounded

with the twelve-fold folding screen.


It’s still spring even at night time,

as love lingers in the bed.





















성능 좋은 자동차도 방전되면 쇳덩이


사람도 방전되면 주변 함께 힘들어


전류가 잘 통해야만 꽃 피고 새가 운다




Electric Discharge

Park Seong-lak


If a good car, too, is discharged,

it’s nothing but metal junk.


If a man, too, is discharged,

he makes those near him suffer.


A smooth flow of electricity

makes flowers bloom and birds sing.





















세상사 뒤꼬일 때 내 이름 팔지 마라


무저갱 속 버둥댄다, 심장마저 꿰뚫린 채


세치 혀 시퍼런 서슬 칼바람 막고 있다



A Button

Park Su-keun

Whenever things get twisted,

don’t use my name for your advantage.


I may flounder in the abyss,

with my heart pierced deeply.


Three-inch tongues are glittering swords;

a tongue shuts out the cold wind.




















지상에서 가장 아름다운 이름



그리운 이름 하나

가슴에 묻고 산다


지워도 돋는 풀꽃

아련한 향기 같은


그 이름 눈물을 훔치면서

뇌어본다 어--



The Most Beautiful Name on Earth

Park Si-gyo


In my mind, I’ve held a name;

now I live, missing the name.


I erase it, but it sprouts out

like a faint scent of grass flowers.


O Mother! I repeat the name,

wiping away all my tears.



















달빛이 그리워서

밤 뜰에 내려서면


내 마음은 고향 하늘

달빛 함께 젖어 들고


기러기 울음소리엔

그리움만 도는 하늘




Park Yeong-gyo


As I miss the moonlight

I step down to the garden.


Then the sky of my hometown

seems to be seen with the moonlight.


The honking of wild geese urges me

to miss the sky of my hometown.



















영원한 방랑자로

옛집을 찾아들고


파도는 몸을 굴려

건반을 두드리다


옛 애인 솔베이지의

무릎 베고 잠든다.



* 그리그(1843~1907): Edvard Hagerup Grieg, 노르웨이 작곡가, 피아니스트




Edvard Hagerup Grieg*

Park Yeong-rok

Aa a roamer of a lifetime,

he returns to his old home.


The waves seem to roll themselves,

striking the keys of the piano.


Then he falls asleep on the lap

of Solveig, his old sweetheart.




* Edvard Hagerup Grieg(1843~1907): a Norwegian composer and pianist










숨어서 우는 아픔

자벌레 눈물 자국


보듬자 용서하자

살 저미는 오체투지


이것이 나잇값이다

뼈를 깎는 나이테


An Inchworm

Park Yeong-sook


An inchworm weeps in secret;

the traces of tears tell its pain.


Let’s hug the worm. Let’s forgive it.

It wriggles its way in agony.


Now the worm is acting its age,

which’s a growth ring in anguish.




















돌로 빚은 정

이토록 사무치나 


낡은 고사 뜨락 

독경소리 목이 타고 


황혼이 젖은 묵화에 

골을 우는 뻐꾸기.       



The Pagoda

Park Ok-geum


The stone tower shows affection,

sinking deep into my heart.


The front yard of the old temple

is craving sutra chanting.


Twilight falls on an ink painting;

Some cuckoos cry in the vale.


















할아버지 힘들게 버스에 오르시자


재빨리 갖다 대는 할머니의 승차카드


?잔액이 부족합니다? 아찔하다 인생!



How Dizzy!

Park Ok-wi

An old man barely managed

to board a bus with his wife.


She quickly tapped her bus pass

on the screen of the reader.


The voice said, “insufficient cash.”

How dizzy the life is!




















어머니의 메아리


초가지붕 굴뚝 연기

끊길 듯이 피어올라


저녁밥 지어놓고

날망서 날 부르던 음성


저 앞산 메아리처럼

내 귀청 울려주던...




The Echo of My Mother's Voice

Park Yong-ha

Smoke rises up like a thin cloud

from the chimney of a thatched roof

Mom cooked supper and called me loud;

on the hill, she’s calling me.


Her voice was just like the echo

of the mountains in front of me.














어떤 가난



가난도 때 오르면 부귀富貴 보다 사치롭고


한 고개 넘어서면 극락같이 열린 하늘


그 하늘 별 뜨는 가난, 맨발로 우러러 서리




Some Poverty

Park Jae-du


If poverty has its day,

it’s much better than wealth and fame.


If poverty is over the hump,

the sky opens like paradise.


Poverty, the star in the sky!

Stand straight up in the bare feet.






















가다간 파초 잎에

바람이 불어오고


덩달아 물방울도

찬란하게 튕기고


무심한 이 한때 위에

없는 듯한 세상을.



Absence of the Worldly Desire

Park Jae-sam


A fresh breeze has been blowing

to the long leaves of the plantain.


With the breeze, water-drops are

brilliantly splashed up outward.


At this time we’re free from desire;

the world doesn’t seem to exist.

















풀잎 끝 파란 하늘이



풀잎 끝 파란 하늘이

갑자기 파르르 떨었다


웬일인가 구름 한 점이

주위를 살피는데


풀잎 끝 개미 한 마리

슬그머니 내려온다




The Blue Sky on a Grass Leaf

Park Jong-dae


The blue sky on a grass leaf

seems to twitch abruptly.


What’s going on? A speck of cloud

looks around to check it out.


O an ant creeps down leisurely

from the tip of the leaf.




















박 중 선


동백꽃 너무 섧어

송이째 낙하하고


춘심에 몸짓되어

한 여름 녹음처럼


동백 잎 빛나는 마음

화사하게 웃는다.



Park Jung-seon

As camellias feel sorrowful,

flowers fall with a snap.


Deeply moved by the spring light,

the leaves grow like it’s summer.


The fresh leaves glitter in the sun,

giving us their bright smile.

















고향집 감나무에 노을 한 쪽 걸릴 때면


석 잠 잔 하얀 누에 뽕잎 먹는 그 소리가


오늘도 귀 울음 되어 설핏하게 흘러라




Park Chan-gu

The red glow of the sun sits

on the persimmon of my old home.

Then white silkworms molt the third time

and they eat mulberry leaves.


Today, too, I hear their rustling sound

as a ringing in my ears.






















박 헌 오


맨 처음 사랑하신이가

점지해준 나의 샘물


덧없는 한세상을

뜨거이 적셔 살다


마지막 내가 바쳐야 할

운명의 꽃송이다



Tears Are

Park Heon-oh


The person who loved me first

presented tears, ‘my spring water.’


I have lived with great passion

in this world of transience.


My tears are the flowers of fate

which I offer at the end.



















남치마 부푼 폭에 먼 산도 안겨들고


되굴려 품은 하늘 눈이 부신 저 햇무리


누이야, 푸르른 오월 옥빛 꿈을 띄워라.



The Swing

Bae Jong-gyo


Her blue skirt is fully swollen

and it covers distant hills, too.


Rocking a swing back and forth,

she sees the sky of a sunbeam.

O Sister, in the verdure of May

try to fly high with your dream.




















한 음악가를 위하여



문틈 베짱이 녀석

막무가내 흥정 끝에


어젯밤 방 한 켠에

사글세를 내주었다


밤마다 독창 연주회

해준다는 그 유혹에



For a Musician

Baek Soon-geum


A grasshopper from a door crevice

haggled with me over its place.


So last night I allowed it

to live in a room as a tenant.


I was lured by its recital

which would be held every night.
















어제 오늘 내일


여명이 밝아오는 새벽길 다시 아침


일어나 타오르는 생명 한 길 사노라면


어둠도 뉘어 일어나 어제 하늘 적시고



Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Baek Won-yong

When day breaks, I set off

on a journey for a new day.


I arise and keep going

so as to live an ardent life.

Darkness, too, awakens and begins

to hold the sky of yesterday.



















여름 한 철 울다 가고 거미줄 하나 치다 간다


대장경 고아 먹다 재채기 끝에 가버리고


초파리 앉았다 간다, 세계라는 풀 무덤.



It Is Holy

Baek Yi-un

All summer long, bugs cry and leave;

a spider spins a web and leaves.


People have studied Buddhist Sutras,

but they stop it in a sneeze.


A fruit fly also sits and leaves

the green grass tomb of the world.




















하얀 밤



꽃 진 자리 여백에

꼬깃꼬깃 접은 사연


오로지 보름쯤만

초록 애증 매달고


목련의 흰 발꿈치가

꿈인 듯 멀어져 간다



A White Night

Byeon Woo-yeon.


A flower falls; I fill in the blank

with my heartrending story.


I will hang love and hate there

at the least for fifteen days.


The white trace of magnolia flowers

is going away like a dream.



















칡넝쿨 등나무 타고 한 몸으로 엉킬 때


올로 감고 외로 틀어 야무진 한 몸 한 뜻


갈등도 서로 화합하면 엄청나게 강할 거야



Byeon Jeong-yong

Arrowroot vines climb up rattan;

they get tangled like one body.


Coiling right and twisting left,

they become one in body and mind.


If conflicts combine with each other,

they can become super strong.




















사랑 이미지
- 정면충돌


좋아, 죽어도 좋아
너무 뜨거운 현장

교차로 택시와 트럭
서로 와락 껴안았다

사랑은 사랑은 가끔
저렇게 눈이 먼다


Love Image

- A Head-on Collision

Byeon Hyeon-sang


It’s OK, OK, though I die.

This scene is too hot to see.


A taxi embraced a truck

abruptly at the junction.


It is love; sometimes love is blind

like the two cars of the scene.
















서 벌


내 오늘 서울에 와

만평 적막을 사다.


안개처럼 가랑비처럼

흩고 막 뿌릴까 보다.


바닥난 호주머니엔

주고 간 벗의 명함.




Seo Beol


Today I came to Seoul

and I got vast loneliness.


Let me scatter my solitude

like a fog and like a drizzle.


There’s nothing but the business card

that my friend put in my pocket.



















산님은 등 가슴을 깊숙이 열어놓고


앞 동네 뒷동네를 터놓고 살라하네


꽃소식 임 소식까지 아우르며 살라네.



A Tunnel

Seo Gwan-ho

A mountain advises us

to open up our back and heart.


It persuades us to connect

our front town and our back town.


Moreover, we should keep the news

of flowers and lovers.



















- 독도


우리 바다 우리 배로

우리 섬에 훌쩍 와서


발 한 번 쿵 굴려보고

끝과 끝을 걸어보며


여봐라, 크게 외친다

우리 것 말고 더 무엇 없어


To the Whole World

The Rocky Islet, Dokdo

Seo Seok-jo

We arrived at our islet

in our ship across our sea.


After stamping our foot just once,

we walked on it from end to end.


“Whoopee, there,” we all gave loud yells.

There’s nothing else but only ours.















아름다움에 대하여


뿌리를 다 내놓은 다산초당 동백나무


불끈불끈 푸른 힘줄로 칼바람 나꿔채서


맥마다 뜨거운 풀무질 잉걸불을 일으킨다




On Beauty

Seo Yeon-jeong


The camellia exposes its roots

at the cottage of great Dasan*.

Showing off its green tendons

the tree grabs a piercing wind.


Each nervure kindles a sparking fire,

just like blowing with the bellows.





*Dasan: The pen name of Jeong Yak-yong, a great scholar during the Yi Dynasty














미래사 가는 길에

내생來生 만한 꽃을 만나


스치는 눈인사에

절이 한 채 생겨나서


심부름 까마득 잊고

소풍 속에 노닌다.  



An Errand

Seo Woo-seung


On my way to Mirae Temple

I saw a flower of my next life.


When I greeted it with my eyes,

a temple was seen in front of me.


Completely, I forgot my errand;

I take a stroll at the temple.




















나보다 먼저 일어나

문을 여는 당신 눈빛


당신보다 먼저 들어와

방을 닦는 내 마음


이 세상 어느 눈비도

연리목으로 이겨내리.



Husband and Wife

Seo Il-ok


You get up earlier than I,

and then you open the door.


I come in earlier than you,

and then I clean the room.


We two are the Korean love tree,

and we’ll beat off all challenges.
















진달래 연가


나 죽어 잡초 속에

없는 듯이 묻혔다가


어느 해 어느 날에

넋이나마 피어나서


철 되면 뉘도 모르게

피었다 또 죽으리



A Song of an Azalea

Seo Jin-song



If I die, I?ll be buried

as just dirt beneath grasses.

Then one day in a few years,

my spirit will rise again.


In due time, unnoticed by anyone,

I will bloom and fall again.

















발갛게 더 빨갛게 지켜온 심장 하나

서릿발 묻은 달빛 가슴에 드리우니


그리움 더는 못 참아 터뜨린다 겹겹이



A Camellia Flower

Seo Jin-sook


Here's a heart that’s kept inside

with a tint of crimson red.


The moonlight, which looks frosty,

is gleaming on the red heart.

The longing is hidden no longer,

so it bursts into petals.















낙엽을 태울 때



잎 거두어 태우면

다비茶毘의 일이 되누나


살아온 날이 고와

냄새도 상긋한가


연기는 하늘로 올라도

소멸하지 않는 이름



When Burning Fallen Leaves

Seon Jeong-ju


If I collect and burn dry leaves,

I am sure it’s cremation.


The leaves lived a lovely life,

and the smell is amazing, too.


The gray smoke rises in the sky,

but the name doesn’t disappear.




















그리움이 절실해야

꽃으로 피어난다고


겨우내 마른 잎으로

향기를 키워 온 봄


너에게 꽃으로 다가가

향기로 말하고 싶다



Like Wild Flowers

Sohn Su-seong


You should yearn so eagerly;

then you can bloom as a flower.


Spring prepared the floral scents

with dry leaves all winter long,


Let me come near you as a flower,

to speak to you with the scent.















얼음 풀린 냇가



살짝이 유빙 위에 이름 없는 별을 불러


새소리 솔잎소리 야윈 물살 듣고 있다


먼 수렁 계곡 길 따라 옷고름 푸는 소리




The Brook Where the Ice Melts

Sohn Ye-hwa


The brook calls an unknown star

secretly to the drift ice.


And it listens to the sounds of birds,

of pine leaves, of the slow stream.


It babbles in the morass vale,

like untying the robe strings.


















목련 보살


큰스님 선정에 든 법당 앞 봄날 오후

심심한 동자승 꼬박꼬박 조는 사이

한 그루 목련 보살님 꽃등 가만 켭니다.



Magnolia Bodhisattva

Sohn Jeung-ho


The senior monk meditates

in the sanctum one spring afternoon.


The child monk becomes so bored,

and he drowses before the hall.


The flowers of a magnolia tree,

Bodhisattva, are bright like lamps.




















저녁 종소리

- 외딴 집을 위하여



새들이 푸른 새들이

들 숲 종탑 맴돌다가


노을 갈()며 날아간다

은빛 전단 물고 간다


도린곁 허연 노년老年

녹슨 풍경, 흔들린다.



The Sound of the Evening Bell

- For the Solitary House

Song Seon-yeong


Birds, green birds, are flying high

around the belfry in the field grove.


Then the birds fly through the sun glow

with silver leaves in their long beak.


In a nook of the ruined landscape,

the silver age seems unstable.














꽃의 발화



블록 틈 씨앗 한 톨 한 계절 기도했나


소나기 지난 자리 끌어올린 꽃대 하나


닫혀진 창틈 사이로 잠언 하나 피었다




Song Yu-na


In a crack between the bricks

has a seed prayed for a season?


A flower stalk is shooting up,

where a shower has poured down.


Through the chink of the closed windows,

a proverb was in full bloom.













가을 산사山寺에서


정갈한 댓돌 위에

여린 햇살이 따습다


고단한 낙엽 한 잎

부처님께 묻고 있다


어디로 가야하는지

흰 고무신 속에 들어



At a Temple in Autumn

Shin Goon-ja

The sun shines on the step stone

and the clean stone is getting warm.

A fallen leaf, which looks tired,

asks Buddha a question,


“O Buddha, where should I be going?”

from inside the white rubber shoe.















바다보다 넓사옵고,

하늘보다 높으오나


파도처럼 거세다가

바람같이 지옵니다.


사랑을 강물에 비겼더니

물거품이 되더이다.




Shin Dae-ju


Love is vaster than the ocean,

and it’s higher than the heaven.


Love is rough like the waves,

and it’s calm like the wind.

I compare love to a river,

and it becomes a bubble of foam.














입 다문 꽃봉오리

소곤소곤 불러내는


똘똘 말아 감춘 잎을

살살 꼬셔내는


땅굴 속 똬리 튼 뱀

기나오는 봄




Shin Dong-ik

The flower buds that close their mouths

are called out in a whisper.


The hidden leaves that are rolled up

are lured out, too, by the spring.


All the snakes coiled deep in a hole;

now they crawl out, one by one.
















타래 난초



실타래 꼬불꼬불

휘돌아 올라간다


직선의 하늘 향한

등발의 묘미이다


곡예사 꿈길을 좇아

진보라 꽃등이다 



Spiral Gem Orchid

Shin Soon-ae


The flowers climb in a spiral

like a skein of color thread.


Going straight up toward the sky,

they show the charm of their bust bath.


The flowers are like purple lanterns

dreaming to be balancers.


















신 영 자


기다림 소원 담아

한 송이 피워지고


꽃날개 팔 벌려서

임에게 앉으소서


흰 구름 편히 쉬임에

뉘 아니 좋으리



A Wild Chrysanthemum

Shin Yeong-ja


With a wish of a long wait

a flower bursts into bloom.


Spreading your wings like the petals,

O please flap down onto my love.


The white clouds also rest with us.

Isn’t it good for all of us?


















백조야 설산가자

흑조야 너도 가자


날다가 지칠 때에

파도 밭에 쉬어가자


파도가 푸대접 하거든

자갈밭에 자고가자.


A Sea-gull

Shin Ik-gyo


O White Swan, let’s go to Snow Hill

O Black Swan, let’s go together.


While we fly, we may feel tired;

then let’s relax on the gentle waves.


By the way, if waves treat us poorly

let’s sleep over on the pebbles.










대궐터 산



꿀벌님 밝은 미소

숲속에 꽃이 피고


나무들 두 팔 벌려

반갑게 맞아주니


놀랍소 꿀벌님 언어

가슴에 와 안기네



The Mountain of the Castle Site*

Shin Ik-hyeon



With honeybees smiling around,

wild flowers bloom in the forest.


With their arms outstretched up,

trees welcome us to the forest.


Amazing! The honeybees’ words

touch my heart so truly.






* the Castle Site: the site where Maeui, the last crown prince of the Silla Dynasty, built a castle to train his soldiers











어쩌면 객지 여인숙 한 며칠 묵다 가듯


이곳의 짐을 꾸려 봄이 오는 산기슭에


큰 형님 입주하셨다 남향받이 외딴 흙집




Moving into a New House

Shin Pil-yeong


Like a guest of a small inn,

my first brother stayed a few days.


Then he packed his belongings;

in spring he moved to a hill side.


Finally he came to occupy

a lone mud house facing south.




















점점이 뜬 무인도가 느는데



버티고 선 인간욕망 유인도라



희망을 걸자 너도나도 미래를 봐






Shin Hoo-sik



The islands get deserted,

floating like dots on the horizon.


On the land, human beings

try to harbor their ambition.


Have a hope, looking at the cloud.

Let’s look forward to the future.
















산과들 마다않고 바람과 햇살 품어


저절로 피어나니 은총이 가득하다


메마른 가슴 밭에도 예쁜 꽃이 피었다




Wild Flowers

Ahn Seung-nam


The flowers hug winds and sunlight

in the hills and on the plains.


So they all are in full bloom

by themselves in God’s grace.


My heart, too, which was a dry field,

bursts into bloom like the flowers.






















잘 있다는 인사말만

달랑 적어 보낸 엽서


생략한 수천마디

마음으로 헤아려져


진종일 사립문밖을

서성이는 내 마음.



The Postcard

Ahn Yeong-hee


I received his simple postcard

just saying that he’d been fine.


I am trying to puzzle out

thousands of words he omitted.


All day long I’m pacing around

outside the gate made of twigs.

















.二五 동란



육이오 불시 남침 충혼들 상흔 아직 남아


동족이 총칼상쟁 무자비한 통한으로 ...


칠십년 지난 오늘에사 남북미 만남이랴!




The Korean War*

Ahn Jung-sik


North Korea invaded us;

the scars of war are still visible.

The civil war was so cruel;

all Koreans suffered from it.


Our country meets USA today;

it’s 70 years since the war.


* the Korean War: It began on June 25, 1950. So it’s called ‘625 War’ in South Korea. The war ended in 1953 with a cease-fire.



















위를 보고 살리라

활짝 펴고 싶어라


쉬임 없는 몸부림

시지프스 신화인가


하늘로 치솟으려다

겸손하게 숙인 고개


A Fountain

Yang Gye-hyang


‘I will live, looking upward.’

‘I’d like to spread far and wide.’


It’s struggling without stopping.

Is it the myth of Sisyphus?


Attempting to soar to the sky,

it bows its head modestly.















기찻길 냉이꽃



삶의 무게 하얗게 매단

계절을 달래가며


욕망의 눈높이를

침목과 맞춰가는


사는 법, 아는 까닭에

그 봄날은 해맑다.



Bitter-cress Flowers by the Railroad

Yang Jeom-sook


The flowers soothe the white season

that made us feel the weight of life.


The level of their desires

is tempered by the railroad-ties.

As they know how to live a life,

they look so bright in spring time.













발효차를 마시다



연둣빛 찻잎 속으로

드나들던 맑은 바람


해묵은 찻잎 받아

깊은 생각 우려낸다


성숙한 여인의 향기처럼

무심한 듯 그윽하다



Drinking Fermented Tea

Ye Yeon-ok


The pure wind frequently came

in and out of green tea leaves.


Now I brew the age-old leaves,

being absorbed in deep thought.


Like the scent of a mature lady,

the aroma smells balmy.
















평화의 마을



해달별 흙빛 밝은 짚신 나라 농촌 집집


땀 뿌린 논밭 속에 내일 향한 꿈을 심고


오늘도 사랑꽃 핀 마을 평화롭고 정답다



The Village of Peace

Oh Dong-chun


Sun, Moon, Stars, brown earth color,

straw shoes, nation, farming houses.


People plant dreams for tomorrow

on the farm where they have toiled.


Today, too, the village looks good

in both peace and affection.






















허랑방탕 봄 한철 꿩 소리 흘려놓고


여름 가을 겨울을 묵언수행 중이다


날더러 푸른 이 허길 또 버티란 것이냐




Spring Again

Oh Seung-cheol

I idled away my springtime,

making a sound like a pheasant.


Through summer, fall, and winter,

I’ve kept silent with Zen practice.


Should I bear this hunger again

in the midst of green spring?

















불면의 초상



달빛에 걸린 마음

천 개의 강 헤매고


총총히 박힌 고독

별빛으로 솔기 터져


발 없는 창백한 새여

나는 네가 아프다.



A Reflection on Sleeplessness

Oh Seung-hee


The moonlight has caught my mind,

which roams in a thousand rivers.


The starlight leads solitude

to pop up into pieces.


O Pale Bird! You live without feet.

Your anguish makes me hurt, too.



















겨울 비운 장경각 고즈넉한 내 뜨락에

한 줄의 경전 같은 자목련이 피고 있다


만행을 떠났던 봄빛이 밀밭 건너오고 있다




Purple Magnolia Flowers

Oh Yeong-min


Winter has gone; the Storage Hall

of Buddhist books has a quiet yard.

Purple magnolias bloom in the yard

like a line of a scripture.


The spring light that has traveled far

is coming here across wheat fields.


















논 쟁

- 인생과 사랑에 관하여


                   오 재 열


길다, 짧다. 달다, 쓰다. 우겨 무얼 하자느냐.


·비요 행·불행이 씨줄 날줄 아니겠나.


인생은, 사랑의 꽃밭에 잠깐 피었다 지는 것을.




- about Life and Love

Oh Jae-yeol



Long or short, sweet or bitter.

What use is it to insist them?


Joy or sorrow, good or bad luck.

They are the same as woof and warp.


Our life blooms for a while and fades

at a flower bed of romance.


















조그만 찻잔에다

따뜻한 물을 붓는다


잠자던 이파리가

파랗게 살아나서


잊었던 봄날의 꿈을

하나 둘 피워낸다




Woojeon Green Tea

Woo Do-hwan


I’m pouring some hot water

into my tiny teacup.


Sleeping leaves come to life

in the fresh greenish color.


They revive a few spring time dreams

which I forgot for a while.



















자목련 두어 송이 가지 끝에 달려있어


서쪽으로 가다말고 멈칫멈칫 걷는 햇살


한 템포 늦게 가는 길 활짝 핀 감탄사다





Woo A-ji


A few flowers of purple magnolia

hang at the end of a bough.


The sunbeam stops going westward

and it walks hesitantly.

They’re in bloom with one beat behind,

giving us exclamations.





















내 안의 나를 지나

그대를 찾는 길


땀띠 같은 햇살 건너

도착한 저녁때 쯤


눈짓에 잃어버린 사랑

눈짓으로 다시 피는



The Salt Field

Woo Eun-sook


Passing myself inside my mind

I set out to look for you.


In sunlight like red heat rash,

I arrived in the evening.


O just then, winks revived our romance,

which we had lost by the winks.















벼랑 끝 할미꽃


위태롭다 하는가
축복의 이 순간에.

바람도 수줍은 양
햇살 속에 숨는데

솜털 속 붉은 눈맞춤
아 심장 멎는다.




A Pasqueflower on a Cliff

Woo Hyeong-sook


You may say it’s in danger.

But right now it looks blissful.


The wind, too, seems to be shy;

it hides itself in the sunshine.


Through the fuzz they have red eye contact.

Oh my heart stops beating.

















순례의 길



가슴 속 눈물방울

발길마다 구르더니


설산에 잠든 영혼

목이 타게 불러 모아


온몸에 상처로 새긴

기도문을 매단다




Going on a Pilgrimage

Won Jeong-ho

Each teardrop deep in the heart

is rolling down every step.


I gather the sleeping souls

from the snow-covered mountain.


And I hang a prayer which’s carved

with all the scars of my body.













, 뿌리

유 헌

경쾌한 왈츠가 무대에 깔린다


초봄의 환희가 객석을 휩쓸고 있다


휘감은 근육을 풀고 춤추는 발레리나




The Roots of Mugwort

Yu Heon

A waltz is played cheerfully,

spreading out over the stage.

The delight of early spring

is sweeping over the hall.


On the stage, ballerinas dance

after they relax tense muscles.





















바람만 왔다 가는

비탈진 강가에


나룻배 삭아 내려

달빛도 못 싣네


갈대가 바닥을 뚫고

손님으로 와서 앉네



A Ferryboat

Yu Sang-yong

Only a wind comes and goes

on the slant side of the river.


The ferryboat is too rotten

to even load the moonlight.


A reed comes through the boat bottom,

and it sits down as a guest.



















산마을 큰 애기 허리춤에 뽀얀 살


할머니 마실 가고 고양이는 조을고


심심한 바람을 만나 알밤 하나 뚝 진다




Yu Seong-gyu


A maiden in a hill town

has a fair skin around her waist.


Her grandma went to her neighbors;

her cat falls into a doze.


A chestnut meets a boring wind,

and it falls off with a snap.
















설산을 오르다


밤안개에 휘감긴

초저녁 산봉우리


하나씩 물에 잠겨

서로가 하나 되듯


그렇게 네게 잠기며

설산을 향해 가리



Climbing a Snow-covered Mountain

Yu Soon-deok

A night mist has enveloped

all the peaks, early evening.


One by one, the peaks are sunk

and become one under water.

Like the peaks, being charmed with you,

I will ascend the snow mountain.

















뒤돌아 본 길가에

흔들리는 꽃이 있다


골짝 깊이 숨겨둔

새하얀 은종처럼


뎅뎅뎅 우는 소리에

산도 울컥하는 꽃,



The Lilies of the Valley

Yoo Jae-young

Looking back, I see flowers

wavering by the roadside.


The flowers look like silver bells

which are hidden in a valley.


The white bells ring a good ding-dong;

even mountains get choked up.

















가는 길



어둠 내린 가마산 달빛이 길을 연다


길 잃은 바람도 자고 가는 이 한밤


구국새 울음소리에 고요가 무너진다



On the Way

Yu Jae-hong


Darkness falls at Mt. Gama,

and moonlight opens the way.


A stray wind, too, stays to sleep

in the middle of the night.


The cooing of a few turtle doves

from somewhere breaks silence.






















아기 돌고래 윌리

- 적조赤潮



난바다 거친 물살

요람인 듯 헹가래 치다


푸우, 푸우, 숨이 겨워

구명 신호 타전한다.


어머니 젖줄을 놓고

아흐, 벅차! 아흐, 숨차!



The Baby Dolphin, Willy

- A Red Tide

Yun Geum-cho


On rough waves in the ocean

it is tossed up like in its cradle.


Whew, whew, out of breath

it sends out an SOS.


To suck milk from its own mother

Agh, it crawls forward! Agh, it gasps!
















가슴이 콩닥콩닥

살며시 훔쳐보다


들킬라 들킬까봐

살포시 숨어버린


가시내 저 얼굴 좀 봐

복사꽃이 피었네.




Unrequited Love

Yun Sang-hee


Her heart beats, pit-a-pat,

when she takes a peep at him.


In order not to be detected,

she hides herself from the person.


O my girl, take a look at the face.

Peach blossoms are in full bloom.
















어쩌다 쪼개졌나

말을 잃은 너와 나


틈서리 메우려면

끓는 쇳물도 건너야


죽어서 다시 만나지

타오르는 두 영혼




Yun Jeong-ran


Why did we split in two parts?

You and I are speechless.


If we want to fill the crack

we must cross molten metal.


After death we will meet again,

for our two souls are in flames.




















희미한 피사체도

마저 지우려는


그대를 보낸 빈자리

이리 깊을 줄이야


마지막 제 살 한 점까지

기꺼이 도려냅니다



A Waning Moon

Yun Jin-ok



Old memories, even blurred ones,

will be doomed to be erased.


Though I allowed you to leave me,

I feel sorry for your absence.


So gladly, I would cut my flesh

till not a bit can be left.














맥주 캔

윤 현 자


그럴 줄 알았다니까

입 꽉 다물고 있다고


뼈 속 가득 부글부글

끓는 울분 사그라들까


한순간 탁 터지고 만

쉰일곱 그 아지매.



The Beer Can

Yun Hyeon-ja


I expected it would do so.

Now it shuts up like a clam.


Anger boils up into the bones.

Can the anger wane and die down?


For a flash, POP, the can bursts out

when her age is fifty-seven.




















썰물에 몸을 싣고

길나선 작은 물살


밀물로 돌아와서

몽돌을 깨워내도


달빛은 고물에 앉아

일어설 줄 모른다,




Lee Heon


At ebb tide, loading themselves,

the small waves are on their way.


As the flow the waves came back

and woke up pebbles.


The moonlight, seated on the stern,

doesn’t have a mind to rise up.

















하트 물고 날아든

제비 한 쌍 폰 이미지


꽃비가 바퀴살에

체인처럼 감기는 날


덧 포갠 우리 마음도

터트릴까 꽃 폭죽



Feeling Dizzy at the Sight of Flowers

Lee Ga-eun



With a heart shape in the mouth

two sparrows fly onto my phone.


Petals flutter and then are twined

like a chain into wheel spokes.


Shall we try setting off our hearts

like fireworks of the petals?


















눈길을 걷노라면

발자국 찍는 대로


추억은 눈이 시려

뽀드득 이를 갈며


흐려진 그리움까지

풍경 속에 덮인다



The Snowy Road

Lee Gyeong-ja


As I walk on the snowy road,

every step leaves a footmark.


Memories make my eyes dazzled;

I grind my teeth in great regret.


In this scene, even blurred longing

is covered with the snow.















봄의 소리



골안개 자욱하게

산허리 감아 돌고


물소리 음률 되어

고요를 흔드는데


봄 향기 향긋한 내음

나들이를 가잔다.




The Sound of Spring

Lee Gwan-su


The dense mist in the valley

wraps itself around the hill.


The water sounds rhythmical

and disturbs the quietude.


The springtime, with a lovely scent,

entices us to go out.













매듭 풀기



슬픔의 멍울 펴서

햇살 한 줌 이겨 넣고


미운 털 쏙쏙 뽑아

몸 낮춰 조아리니


엉겅퀴 우거진 골에

웃음꽃도 피더라.



Untying the Knot

Lee Gwang-yeong


Adding a handful of sunlight

into the lump of deep sorrow,


I pull out the hair of hate

and bend low with my head down.


Then I see laughter flow out

into the vale of milk thistles.











수종사 다실



수종사 고운 다실

차 나누고 정 나누면


남창에 걸린 산수

자연방하(自然放下) 눈이 시려


선불장 하얀 고무신

합장하고 있구나



The Tearoom of Sujong Temple

Lee Geun-gu


We share tea and affection

at the tearoom of Sujong Temple.


Then we see the great landscape

through the window which faces south.


The white shoes hold the hands and pray

before Zen Meditation Hall.

















누이야, 네 스무 살 적

이글거리던 숯불


밤마다 물레질로

뽑아 올리던 슬픔


누이야, 네 명주빛 웃음이

눈물처럼 피었다 




Lee Geun-bae


My sister, when you’re twenty,

the charcoal fire was so blazing.


You used to turn a spinning wheel

to spin sorrow every night.


O sister, your silky laughter

burst into bloom just like tears.




















해마다 오월은

혼자 오지 않고


꾀꼬리와 파랑새를

데리고 찾아오네.


불현듯 온갖 꽃을 피우고

새소리도 드높여.




Lee Gi-dong


Every year the month of May

does not come all alone.


Every time May visits us

with orioles and blue birds.


Suddenly flowers bloom in May;

birds are singing with a loud voice.





















숨죽여 길어 올린

깊은 골 샘물을 이고


꿈꾸듯 새벽길을

바지런히 달려온


아내의 보얀 입김이

눈송이로 날린다.




Lee Nam-sik


Drawing water from a deep vale,

my wife brings it quietly on her head.


At daybreak, as if in a dream,

she runs home in a hurry.


O her breath, coming in white puffs,

whirls around like snowflakes.
















오늘도 한 사람과 등지고 왔습니다


슬픔을 나눠지라는 소명을 거역하고


냉정히 등만 보인 채 돌아온 내가 미워집니다.

My Back

Lee Dal-gyun


Today, too, I came back home,

turning my back on one person.


I disobeyed the great command

to share sorrows with each other.


I was tough, turning my back on him.

And now I hate myself for it.






















예로부터 명당은

배산임수背山臨水라 하였지


유동천 피라미떼

쟁기봉엔 카투리야


무심코 창문을 열면

산청山靑 뚝뚝 새소리



The Green Village

Lee Do-hyeon


From old times the great place has

a hill in back, a stream in front.


Minnows play in the Yudong Stream;

hen pheasants play on Jaenggi Peak.


The bird-songs are heard from green hills

when I open the window.
















여인초 旅人草



길이 좋아 길을 떠나

길 위에서 사는 여인女人


발톱이 빠지도록

찾아 헤맨 그대 행처行處


치마폭 담아온 청수淸水

타는 목을 축인다.



A Floating Weed


Lee Dong-ryun

She likes roads and leaves her home

to live her life on the roads.


Though it wears away her toenails,

she wanders to find her place.


She carries pure water in her skirt

and slakes her thirst with the water.



















어차피 굳은 날개

동여맨 다리에다


허공을 쪼아대다

다무는 부리려니


그대는 내 가슴에다

못을 박은 동박새



A Bird-shaped Pole for Good Luck

Lee Dong-bae


The two wings have been rigid

and the two legs have been tied up.


Attempting to peck the air,

the bird closed its long beak.


O White-Eye, you hurt my feelings,

hammering nails into my heart.

















봄비 너는 꽃 엽서



꽃 엽서 빨랫줄에

맥 짚어 내린 봄비


덩그렁 빨래 집게

그리움 걸쳐 놓고


봄소식 꽃망울 줄져

강남제비 부른다.



Spring Rain, You’re a Flower Postcard

Lee Deul-saem

Spring rain falls on a clothesline;

flower postcards hang on the line.


The clothespins hold the postcards

of my longing on the wet line.


The spring news stands in line like buds,

and calls swallows from the south.
















자궁과 배꼽 사이 전신 흉터 한 마리


속 말끔히 비우고 허공 가만 눈 맞춘


두드림, 붉은 듯 만 듯 두견 울듯 어머니



A Wooden Fish

Lee Myeong-sook


A wooden fish has lots of scars

between the womb and the navel.

The scarred fish has been emptied,

and then it stares into space.


O Mother! When the fish is beaten

it cries, red-tinted, like a cuckoo.














노을 앞에서



잘 마른 하늘 끝에

번지는 삶의 파편


얼부풀은 나이테

자존을 집어삼키는


낙일落日의 꽃 그림자 깊다

같은 듯 다른 하루


In Front of the Sunset

Lee Myeong-hee

To the edge of the clear sky

a piece of life rolls and spreads out.

The tree rings freeze and swell,

swallowing up their self-respect.

Sunset casts long floral shadows;

a day looks the same but different.
















한 손에 책을 들고 조올다 선뜻 깨니


드는 볕 비껴가고 서늘바람 일어 오고


난초는 두어 봉오리 바야흐로 벌어라 



An Orchid

Lee Byeong-gi


I dozed off with a book

in my hand and did wake up.


Sunlight went somewhere else;

a cool wind came from somewhere.


An orchid bears a few flowers

in full swing before I know.























또 하루 파도 건너 작은 섬에 닻 내리고


엉긴 보풀 걷어내 햇솜처럼 눕는 이 밤


달빛도 곤한 숨소리 창문가에 풀고 있네




A Duvet

Lee Bun-heon

Today, too, I cross the waves

and drop anchor at an islet.


Removing the tangled fluff,

tonight I lie like new cotton.

The moonlight also feels weary

and sleeps deeply by the window.






















소리를 짊어지고

누가 영을 넘는가


이쯤 해 혼을 축일

주막집도 있을 법한데


목이 쉰 눈보라 소리가

산 같은 한을 옮긴다



A Narrative Song of South Province

Lee Sang-beom


Who is crossing over the pass,

with the song on his back?

There may be a tavern house

to rest his soul around the pass.


The howling of the hoarse snowstorm

is conveying mountainous griefs.















, 지금



무수히 분노하던 버릇하나 고치려고


덮어보고 태워보고 지워보고 풀어보고


그렇게 몸부림치다 할 수 없이 웃습니다.



Oh, Now

Lee Seo-yeon


To correct my bad habit

of frequently getting upset,


I’ve repressed it; I’ve burned it.

I’ve erased it; I’ve released it.


It’s no use struggling and wriggling,

so now I live with a smile.























봉오리를 꼬옥, 물고 찬 울음에 갇혔다


한때 나도 꽃이었으니 저 견딤을 이제 안다


살얼음 끼치며 핀다, 이기고 돌아왔다




Ice Camellia

Lee Seung-eun


Holding the bud in its mouth,

the plant was locked in icy tears.


I once was a fine flower,

so now I know its endurance.


It’s in bloom, breaking the thin ice.

It beat the cold and came back.






















사발은 제 스스로 따뜻할 순 없으나


모진 비바람 이겨낸 밥알을 품고나면


막노동 주린 뱃속도 훈훈하게 데운다.



A Rice Bowl

Lee Seung-hyeon


A rice bowl can’t make itself

warm enough without help.


If the bowl holds the boiled grains

of the rice that defied weather,


it can make the empty stomachs

of laborers warm enough.























사흘 안 끓여도

솥이 하마 녹슬었나.


보리 누름철은

해도 어이 이리 긴고.


감꽃만 줍던 아이가

몰래 솥을 열어보네.




The Farm Hardship Period

Lee Yeong-do


We didn’t cook for three days,

but the kettle looks so rusty.


While people step on barley plants,

why does the sun go down so late?


Picking up persimmon flowers,

a child opens kettles in secret.

















투명 소녀 두 손 펴서 순수를 열고 있다


상아빛 두 손바닥 한데 모아 꿈이 되는


환하게 꿰 비치는 미소 삼이웃을 다 밝힌다



A White Magnolia

Lee Yong-shik


Unfolding her two hands,

a pure girl opens pureness.

She puts her hands up together;

a dream comes from creamy palms.


O she gives a bright and pure smile

to the neighbors around her.





















쳐라, 가혹한 매여 무지개가 보일 때까지


나는 꼿꼿이 서서 너를 증언하리라


무수한 고통을 건너 피어나는 접시꽃 하나 



A Top

Lee Woo-geol


Strike the top with your whip

until you see a rainbow.


Standing up with my back straight,

I will attest what you have done.

Look, and see how the hollyhock blooms

after crossing a sea of pain.
























강 건너 저 마을에

꽃집들이 들어서자


서투른 마을에선

바람으로 채우다가


더러는 풍선이 되어

날아가고 있었다.



A Rural Exodus

Lee Woo-jong


People opened new flower shops

in the village across the river.


The villagers of clumsy hands

filled their shops just with the wind.


Some of them turned into balloons;

they ended up flying away.




















한 오락 끊긴 빛 줄

칠흑 깊은 수렁인데


가위 눌린 심혼을 뚫고

빠져 드는 바다 밑에


볕 꼬리 숨는 임종 길을

빗방울은 때린다.  




Lee Eun-bang


A beam of light has been cut off

in the morass of pitch darkness.


I feel I sink into a sea,

losing my mind with a nightmare.


Raindrops fall on the way to death

where the sunlight hides its tail.



















차창을 내다볼 제 산도 나도 다 가더니


내려서 둘러보니 산은 없고 나만 왔네


다 두고 저만 가나니 인생인가 하노라




Lee Eun-sang


Where I looked out the car window,

hills and I went together.


When I get off and look around,

hills aren’t seen and I’m here.


It is life that leaves all behind

and goes on all alone.



















하얀 눈


첫눈은 가슴속을 뒤척이며 밤을 새고

밤눈은 뽀드득 발자국을 남기고

봄눈은 떠나는 그대 눈물처럼 녹는다


White Snow

Lee Eun-soon


The first snow stays up all night,

with turning and tossing.


The night snow leaves its footprints

with the sound crunch crunch crunch.


The spring snow tends to melt away

like the teardrops when you leave.


















가을 신호등


차 유리에 끼어 든

활짝 갠 은행잎 둘


황색불 얼비춘 듯

얼결에 멈칫한다


가을은 노란 신호등

속도를 줄이라는



The Traffic Light of Autumn

Lee Eun-ju


Two ginkgo leaves fluttered down

and got stuck to my windshield.


As I thought they’re yellow lights,

I almost slammed on the brakes.


Autumn is a yellow traffic light,

and it warns us to slow down.















한 목숨 아끼던 날도




오늘도 해질 무렵

먼 산을 바라본다


눈앞의 푸른 물에

머흐는 이 내 속을


한 목숨 아끼던 날도

함께 서려 흐른다



Even the Days I Held My Life Dear


Lee Il-hyang


At sunset today, too,

I see mountains so far away.


The blue water before my eyes

is holding my doleful mind.


The days, too, when I held my life dear,

are passing together.
















풍류가 없는 세상

살맛이 나겠는가


잘 익은 술 한 병을

마주하고 앉았더니


술잔은 입을 벌리고

흡족하게 웃는다



A Lover of Wine

Lee Jae-man


If there’s no taste for the arts,

do you think it?s worth living?


Now I’m sitting face to face

with a bottle of well-ripe wine.


The wine glass gives me a loud laugh,

opening its mouth wide.















오늘 하루


먼 훗날 후회 없게

촘촘히 일궈간다


정성스레 땀 흘리며

사랑 실어 쌓는 보람


이 하루 지내고 나면

다시 못 올 소중한 날.




Lee Jae-ung

Not to regret in the far future,

I have lived a faithful life.


I’ve worked hard, sweating it out;

my life is worth living with love.


Today is such a precious day

that will never come again.















달빛 편지



엽서 몇 장 띄우고

철철이 키운 정이


오늘은 편지함에

달빛으로 돌아왔다


반가워 내밀은 손을

꼬옥 잡는 보름달.



A Letter of the Moonlight

Lee Jae-ho


After sending a few postcards,

I fostered love in each season.


Well today the love came back

to my mailbox as the moonlight.


To my joy, the full moon takes my hands

which I holds out to the moon.















잘 익은 저녁



어느새 잘 익은 저녁

문밖에 서성인다.


창가 걸린 달빛 안광眼光

귀뚜리도 책 읽는 밤


문안차 들린 바람이

웅얼웅얼 글을 왼다.



The Red Glow of Evening

Lee Jeon-an

The red glow came in a flash

and lingers outside the door.


The moon shines by the window;

on the night, crickets read books.

A good wind inquires after me,

reciting words in a murmur.



















추석 단상



모처럼 한 자리서 피어나는 가족사랑


풀어낸 사연마다 꽃이 피고 열매 맺고


혈연의 고운 결실은 밤 깊은 줄 몰라라.



A Reflection on Korean Thanksgiving Day

Lee Jeong-ja


We haven’t met for a long time,

and now we share family love.


Each story that we release

bursts into bloom and bears some fruit.

Our kinship brings forth such sweet fruit;

we don't notice the night grew late.

















고향 생각



꽃피고 새가 울어  

보리 익는 들길 따라


지금쯤 고향에도 

오월을 헹구겠네


복사꽃 환하게 웃는 

그 고향이 그리워라


Longing for My Hometown

Lee Jong-gap


Flowers bloom and birds chirp;

barley ripens by the field path.


By this time, my hometown, too,

may enjoy the spring of May.


Sincerely I miss my hometown

where peach blossoms smile brightly.
















탄금호 감상



청금대 올라서서 탄금대 바라보니


가야금 소리 타고 물결이 출렁이네


강물은 옛처럼 푸른데 풍류인걸 어디 갔나




Appreciating Tangeum Lake

Lee Jong-gi


Now standing on Cheonggeum Terrace,

I take a look at Tangeum Terrace.


Waves are rolling in and back

to the tune of gayageum*.


The water is as blue as before;

it’s hard to find picnickers.




*gayageum: the Korean zither with 12 strings















이종문 (참샘)


초저녁 서쪽하늘

살짝 걸린 초승달


동양화 미인같이

곱게 웃는 눈웃음


꿈속의 거문고 소리

파도처럼 들려온다


The Crescent Moon

Lee Jong-mun (Chamsaem)


It’s hanging in the western sky

so early in the evening.


It smiles warmly like a beauty

in an oriental painting.


Geomungo*, which’s played in my dream,

makes a good sound like the waves.



* geomungo: a Korean zither with six strings

















참 오랜 망설임 끝에 결단을 내렸는가


마로니에 잎새 하나 휘이청, 떨어지고


시소의 한 쪽 어깨가 슬그머니 기운다



Late Autumn

Lee Jong-mun

Wavering for a long time,

a leaf seems to decide.


The green leaf of the conker tree

flutters down to the ground.


One shoulder of the teeter-totter

leans slowly to one side.













힘 못




베란다 꽃들은야 꿈이야, 아니야.


금이다, 은이다, 흰 빛깔 아픔이다.


난 몰라, 정수리와 박히는 쫀득한 힘못이다.




The Power of a Metal Nail


Lee Ju-nam


O flowers on the verandah;

they are dreams or they may not.


They are gold, or they’re silver;

otherwise, they are white pangs.

I don't know, but each is a strong nail

which is hammered into my head.















매화 피는 밤은



깊은 밤 달빛 속에

그윽히 던지는 기척


파르르 떠는 족두리

다홍치마 매무새여


눈밭을 밟고 오는 향기

내가 그냥 무너진다



The Night When Ume Flowers bloom

Lee Ji-yeon


Late at night in the moonlight

I feel flowers doing something.


Some flowers shake like bridal crowns;

others rustle like crimson skirts.


The scent comes across a snowfield;

the sweet fragrance makes me collapse.
















아름다움의 한가운데




마른 땅 위에 한나절 비가 내리고


트랙터 지나간 뒤 깊게 패인 바퀴 자국들!


세상의 모오든 길들은 상처가 남긴 살점이다




In the Middle of Beauty

Lee Ji-yeop


The rain falls to the dry land

without stopping all day long.


After tractors have passed by,

their wheel ruts are visible!


All the roads all around the world

are the flesh of our wounds.


















그대 향기



매화 꽃잎 뜯어서

술잔에 띄워 마셨다


당신의 향기가

영혼을 적신다


오관에 지진이로구나

흔들리는 마음 골



Your Fragrance

Lee Jin-sook


I floated ume petals

on my wine and drank the wine.


Your fragrance permeates me,

appeasing my tired soul.


My body shudders like earthquakes.

My mind also is swayed.


















인연因緣은 증험證驗 없어

오고 감 잘 몰라도


한 가닥 느낌 있어

별빛처럼 반짝였지


내생來生에 또 다시 만날

속삭임만 남기고.




Lee Chang-hee


Relations have no evidence,

so we don’t know the exchange.


But the dews have a single feeling,

and they’ve twinkled like shiny stars.


They whispered that they are supposed

to meet again in the next life.
















돌 등대 어깨에 새긴 그 이름 그림자 비치네


그리워 부르던 꽃 편지 낮달은 듣고 있었네


날리던 귀밑 머릿결 밤 물살에 젖고 있었네




The Lighthouse of Youth

Lee Cheo-gi

The name carved on the lighthouse

is casting its shadow now.


A day moon heard the floral notes

that I recited when I missed you.


The hair blown under the two ears

was getting wet by night waves.
















진달래 단장(短章)



물 고운 사랑 속에 무정(無情)이 섞일가?


설렘에 서러운 듯 피어난 웃음이여


오랜 날 진달래 청춘을 살자하다 지났네.


A Poem for Azaleas

Lee Chung-seop


Can lukewarmness be mixed with love

that is as clear as water?


You bloom smiling with a blush

when the heart goes pit-a-pat.


For so long, I’ve hoped to live young

like azaleas, but in vain.





















돌아가신 아버님을 회모하며



노을빛에 어려 있는

그윽한 님의 향기


눈 감으면 떠오르는

별빛 같은 그리움에


실바람, 조각달 타고

하늘 문을 열어라





- For My Late Father


Lee Ha-yeong


His sweet smell fills the air

with the glow of the sunset.


Whenever I close my eyes,

my longing grows like the starlight.


O Gentle Breeze! on the crescent moon,

open the door to the heaven.












봄비 그치다



애솔잎 바늘 끝에

위태롭게 달려 있는


빗방울 방울마다

그대가 담겨 있다


끝내는 떨어지고 말

4월이 흔들린다




Spring Rain Stops

Lee Haeng-sook


At each end of young pine needles

raindrops are hanging riskily.


You are seen in each raindrop;

drop by drop, it is shiny.


April shakes, as it will end up

falling down to the ground.


















꽃이 피네 한 잎 한 잎

한 하늘이 열리고 있네


마침내 남은 한 잎이

마지막 떨고 있는 고비


바람도 햇볕도 숨을 죽이네

나도 가만 눈을 감네




Lee Ho-woo


A flower blooms, petal by petal.

A heaven is opening.


Finally there’s one petal left,

quivering before it blooms.


O the breeze and sunshine hold their breath.

I also close my eyes quietly.





















해보다 따순 것이 해보다 밝은 것이


꽃처럼 향기롭고 별같이 빛난 것이


맘속에 피어오르니 그 이름을 선이라 




Lee Hee-seung


It’s warmer than the sun;

it’s brighter than the sun.


It’s fragrant like a flower;

it’s shiny like a star.


It’s rising from the heart of hearts;

it has been called as goodness. 




















산수유 꽃



겨우내 웅크렸던 산기슭 생기 돌아


봄기운 시나브로 언 땅을 녹여내고


산수유 사랑이 싹트는 봄빛 환한 저 웃음



 Cornelian Cherry Flowers

Yim Sang-eun



The bottom of the mountain

huddled all winter, and now it’s fresh.


The warmth of spring has been melting

the frozen earth, little by little.


The flowers are blossoming like love

with a big smile in spring time.

















꽃이 오는 방식



토닥토닥 사부작, 사부작 은근하게


비밀처럼 간직해온 묵은 그늘 그 안쪽까지


무더기 내리시는 선물 내 마음의 우주 만 평



The Way Flowers Come Out

Lim Seong-gu


Pat Pat gently and leisurely

pretty flowers are coming out.


The flowers come into the shade

that’s been long kept as a secret.

They must be presents from heaven;

they’re the universe in my heart.






















꽃 피다



엉겅퀴 한 송이가

반란처럼 피었구나


뿌리에서 가시까지

기어이 밀고 올라온


뾰족한 어제 일들이

울컥, 하고 꽃이 된다 




A Flower Has Bloomed

Yim Yeong-sook


A thistle flower is in bloom

as if to raise a rebellion.


From its root to its prickles

it was provoked to rebellion.


So it goes; the acute issues

of yesterday burst into flowers.
















- 나이아가라




뿔뿔이 흩어진 난민 되어 내려온다.


앞서는 슬픔과 뒤따르는 울분이


국가도 법도 없는 곳에 물의 나라 세운다.




- The Niagara Falls

Yim Yu-haeng


The water falls asunder,

spreading apart like refugees.


Their sorrow takes the lead,

and their fury follows on.


The feelings build a water country,

where there aren’t states and laws.


















금낭화 꽃 주머니

그대 얼굴 담으련다


한 가득 담기거든

씨로 익혀 묻을란다


내 봄에 그대 얼굴이

금낭화로 필거야.



A Lyreflower

Lim Jong-chan

I’d like to put your countenance

in the pouch of a lyreflower.


If the pouch becomes full,

I will bury it as a seed.

Next springtime, your sweet countenance

is sure to bloom as the flower.
















널문리의 봄



너무 긴 겨울이다

동상이 아주 깊은


와인 찰랑 흔드는 소리

얼음 쩡 금가는 소리


휴전선 야윈 산하에

산비둘기 알 품는다.




Spring of Neolmun County

Jang Gi-sook


Winter is too long this year.

Frostbite grows too serious.


The clinking sound of wine glasses.

The cracking sound of an ice sheet.


The turtledoves incubate their eggs

on the bare hill of the truce line.













인정 있는 체



한 뼘의 붕대나마

감아 주지 못할 바엔


남의 아픔 이웃 곪은 것

건드리지 말지니


괜스레 인정 있는 체

상처만이 덧나나니.



Pretending to Be Humane

Jang Soon-ha

If you can’t wrap even a piece

of bandage around the hurt,


do not touch the open sores

of others or your neighbors.


If you go and pretend to be warm,

their sores become even worse.




















어느 지역 지날 때에

지지직대는 라디오처럼


그이 곁을 지날 때면

공연히 지직댄다


오로지 한 사람 향해

곤두세운 안테나



My Unrequited Love

Jang Seun-shim


When I pass a certain place,

my radio makes a static noise.


Like the radio, I make the sound

whenever I pass the man.


Intently toward one person

I set up my antenna.
















초여름 연꽃



풍랑을 다스리며

정적으로 여민 숨결


진흙에 뿌리박고

내민 얼굴 순수보살


세상은 어지러워도

자비롭게 웃는 모습



An Early Summer Lotus

Jang Yeong-gyu


Calming down the wind and waves,

the lotus blooms in the stillness.


With the root deep in the mud

Bodhisattva shows her pure face.


Merciful! The world is chaotic

but the smile is merciful.



















붓끝에 마음 달래

허공에 달아놓고


같은 색 우리 마음

하나여서 좋았어라


낙화落花전 몰려든 인파

꽃이 되는 사람들




Magnolia Flowers

Jang Yeong-soon


Soothing minds with a soft brush,

we hung them high in the air.


Seeing them, we feel so good

with one heart of one color.


Lots of people come to be flowers

before the fall of the flowers.


















장 은 수


밤도와 길을 낸다

검고 맑은 돌의 눈에


켜켜이 쌓여 있던

짙은 묵향 풀어내고


첫새벽 솔새 한 마리

걸개그림 물고 난다



An Ink-stone

Jang Eun-su


All night long I make new roads

on the stone slab which’s black and clear.


The ink stick gives off strong scents

which are piled up in layers.


A kite flies, with a hanging scroll

in its mouth, at daybreak.
















아주 먼  돌아돌아 
이제야 먼발치라
나 역시 타인으로
그대 역시 타인으로,
 돋는 저문 강물 
등촉燈燭 고이 스러지듯


Jeon Jeong-hee (Gwicheon)


Now the stars shine far away,

after going a long way round.


I’m also a stranger;

you’re also a stranger.


The stars shine in the dark river,

like bright lamplights flicker out.




















다락에 코피 쏟으며

난생 처음 쓴 러브레터


가슴 젖은 독후감 대신

봉투 꿰매 되돌려준 소녀


오십 년 소처럼 삼킨 세월

허리 휜 반추도 할까





Jeon Hak-chun


Nose-bleeding in the attic,

I once wrote my first love letter.


She didn’t answer my love letter,

but returned it in my envelope.


Like a cow, I’ve swallowed 50 years.

Can I ruminate the hard time?



















고해의 진흙 위에

펼쳐든 자비여


무명인 등불 되어

불심으로 흐르고


바람살 다스리면서

미소 짓고 있구나



A Lotus Flower

Jeon Hyeon-ha



It’s in bloom from the tough mud,

and it’s holding up a great mercy,


It becomes an unknown light,

and it conveys Buddha’s mercy.


Governing the wind that blows hard,

it gives a smile on the face.















무슨 꽃 될래 물으면

심심산골 도라지꽃


뻐꾸기 울음 심지

손끝에 불 밝히고


마시면 천년을 자는

약술이나 달인다



A Bellflower

Jeong Gwang-yeong


“What flower will you become?”

“A bellflower in a ravine.”


With the cooing of the cuckoo

the flower lights its fingertip.


And it brews the medicine wine

which makes us sleep for 1000 years.





















창백한 가을비가 유리창에 기대 운다


그리워 타는 가슴 붉다고 하기도 전


물들어 붉은 가을이 흘림체로 진다고




Autumn Rain

Jeong Gi-yeong


Pale autumn rain has been crying,

leaning its back against the window.


Longing causes my heart to burn

before it’s said to be scarlet.


With red tints, the scarlet autumn

will be gone in a scrawl.





















뻐꾹새 붉은 울음이 자귀꽃을 피운 한낮


후광마저 벗어놓고 천년 잠드신 와불


풍경도 범종소리도 소리 가만 낮춥니다




The Buddha in a Reclining Posture

Jeong Do-yeong


The sad crying of a cuckoo

makes silk trees bloom at midday.

Removing the halo, too,

Buddha has slept for 1,000 years.


The wind-bells and the Buddhist temple bell

lower their sounds peacefully.






















오늘을 또 보내고

빈손으로 틀어 앉아


쓸려나간 갯벌 같은

가슴팍을 매만지면


흥건히 고이는 애모

뚝뚝 지는 낙엽소리.



Love Song

Jeong Seok-ju


Today I spent another day

and sat down empty-handed.


I caress my own dry chest

like the shore of the ebb tide.


Then deep love comes up in my heart

with the rustling of falling leaves.





















서글픈 삼팔선을

밤새워 넘어가네.


새벽달 지새는 데

깊은 산골 접어들어


내 나라, 내 땅, 내 길을

몰래 갈 줄 뉘 아리.



The 38th Parallel

Jeong So-pa


All night long I was getting

across the 38th parallel.


Around dawn, the moon waned;

I approached a deep valley.


Secretly I’ve been to my country,

my estate and my path.




















거대한 우주 자궁 한 점 먼지였다가


못내는 서로 당겨 별이고 너였다가


한 세상 잠시 기대어 글썽이다 갈, 그 뿐



Star Dust

Jeong Su-ja


The dust was a fleck of dust

in the womb of the huge space.


Cosmic dusts pulled each other;

some became stars and then you.


For a while you stay in the world;

with tears in your eyes, you just leave.





















새벽 기도



새벽이 온다는 것은,

신께서 내게 들어와


지워진 길 위에

등불 하나 밝히는 것


없던 길 온 마음 다해

지어내는 것이다.



Early Morning Prayer

Jeong on-yu


The dawn comes; well, it means

that God comes into my mind


to light a lamp on the path

which was made already,


and to make another good path

wholeheartedly for all of us.
















분이네 살구나무



동네서 젤 작은집

분이네 오막살이


동네서 젤 큰 나무

분이네 살구나무


밤사이 활짝 펴올라

대궐보다 덩그렇다.



The Apricot Tree of Buni’s House

Jeong Wan-yeong


Buni lives in a cottage,

the smallest one in the village.


Buni has an apricot tree,

the biggest tree in the village.


Overnight the tree is in bloom,

even grander than a palace.
















백로(白露) 무렵 




은행잎 노르스름

물이 들기 시작해도


햇볕이 너무 따가워

받고 가는 양산 아래


살며시 눈웃음치며

스쳐가는 건들마.



Around the Time of Baengno*

Jeong Wi-jin


Ginkgo leaves are beginning

to have a tinge of yellow.


But the sun shines too hot on me,

so I should take a parasol.


The breeze wears a smile in its eyes,

blowing gently from the south.





* Baengno: It falls on September 8th, when autumn starts and the crops ripen, thanks to the plentiful sunlight.












바람이 불 지필 때

물결 속 번진 별빛


삼천 개 연등 밝혀

혼불 실어 우는 걸까


희디 흰 나비 떼 따라

또 한 생이 꽃핀 너



The Rose of Sharon

Jeong Yu-ji


When the wind makes a fire,

starlights spread into the waves.


With 3000 bright lotus lanterns,

the inner lights seem to shed tears.


With a swarm of white butterflies

you’re in full bloom once again.
















만해선사 萬海禪師



풍란화 매운 향내 당신에야 견줄 손가


이 날에 님 계시면 별도 아니 더 빛날까


불토佛土가 이외 없으니 혼아 돌아오소서.




To Buddhist Reverend Manhae

Jeong In-bo


May I compare the strong scent

of Aerides to you, Reverend?


If you’re here with us today,

the stars will shine more brightly.


This land is the Elysian Field;

so come back here, Noble Spirit.






















가슴앓이 울 너머엔

갈증이 황홀한 너


첩첩산 유혹에도

떼봄은 한가롭고


편지의 구절구절이

붕대 풀 듯 피어난다.




Jeong Jeong-yong


With heartburn you feel thirsty

in ecstasies over the fence.


Despite the lure of the mountains

you look peaceful in the springtime.


All the lines come out from the letter,

like removing the bandage.


















벚꽃, 털리다


등굣길 아이들이 우르르 몰려간다


빚쟁이에게 털리듯 벚나무 다 털렸다


황당한 벚꽃과 나는 운동장을 슬쩍 비켜 간다



Cherry Blossoms Get Shaken Down

Jeong Ji-yun

On their way to school today

schoolchildren swarm to see them.

Like meeting its creditors,

the cherry tree gets shaken off.


Embarrassed, the blossoms and I

pass the playground on the quiet.






















새해 처음 보는 얼굴

수줍은 듯 밤에 오네  


발소리 들킬까봐

나비처럼 사뿐사뿐


삐거덕, 새벽 문 열고

은빛세상 들고 오네.



The First Snow

Jeong Jin-sang


It’s the first face in the New Year.

As it seems shy, it falls at night.


Muffling its steps with a soft tread,

it comes down like butterflies.


At daybreak the door squeaks open;

the silver world just comes in.



















깊고도 이유 없는 맘

갈아엎고 심어둔


살아서 닿을 수 없는

오래된 나무 끝에


무심한 무심한 듯이

아린 상처 아! 그 체취



A Paulownia Flower

Jeong Jin-hee


Plowing the soil, I planted the tree

with a deep mind but no reason.


But I can’t reach the old tree top

as long as I am alive.


The tree top has a casual wound.

O the sore wound, its odor!




















갓 나온 나비처럼 날갯짓을 하려는가


화려한 옷자락을 허공에 휘날리는


현란한 그 몸놀림에 녹아내린 내 마음




Jeong Tae-jong


Will the lady flutter her wings

like a newly-born butterfly?


Her flashy dress is fluttering

in the air so gracefully.


The dancer of showy gestures

melts my heart on and on.






















해거름 꼴짐 부리자

요란해진 워낭 소리


작두질 추임새에

단두대쯤 몰라봤나


! 잘린 저 손마디 하나

형과 나를 키웠네




The Hay Cutter

Jeong Pyeong-lim

As cattle feeding was put at dusk,

the cow-bell sounded louder.


Cutting the hay with a loud hum

my father didn’t fear the blade.


So alas, he had his knuckle cut off;

the knuckle raised my brother and me.


















우리들 마음속에

저마다 꿈이 있고


아픔을 위로 하며

피워내는 희망 속에


능선을 넘어 오는 건

분홍빛 사랑이다.




Jeong Hyeon-dae

Each of us has a dream

to be fulfilled in our minds.

Easing the pain of others,

we raise a hope for our new days.

In the hope, our pink-tinted love

will come to us across the ridge.



















영강은 말이 없다

라일락꽃 지는 언덕


동아줄 닻도 없다

붙잡고 싶은데


왼 종일 조약돌 집어

물수제비뜨고 있다



The Yeong River

Jeong Hyeong-seok


The river keeps silence

and lilacs fall on the hill.


There’s no rope; there’s no anchor.

But I want to seize something.


All day long, I pick up small pebbles

and skip them over the river.

















늙은 발레리노



할딱이는 음표 딛고  

바람칼 하늘 재다


화장발이 감춘 세월

길 헤매는 발재간에


기우뚱! 무너지는 무게

허덕이는 부나방



An Old Ballerino

Jeong Hwang-soo


He swishes to reach for the sky

on the hectic musical notes.


Heavy makeup conceals his age;

his foot skills are so awful.


Tottering this way and that way,

the poor moth loses the balance.

















포스트 잇



냉장고 열 때마다 노랑나비 팔락인다


천리를 더 날고픈 방전된 더듬이들


성에 낀 안경을 닦는다, 무수한 저 날갯짓




The Post-it Notes

Jeong Hee-gyeong

Whenever I open the fridge,

yellow butterflies flap their wings.


Their feelers became helpless,

though they wish to fly farther.


I do wipe my misty glasses

and see the flaps of their wings.

















비싼 세상


전단지 손에 들고 납작하게 엎드린


헐값의 그녀가 시장통을 누빈다


얇아진 마음의 두께 바람만 드나드는




An Expensive World

Je Min-sook

With leaflets in her hands,

she is prostrate with poverty.


The woman who is so cheap

goes around in the market.


Her weak mind is getting much worse;

just a wind comes in and out.






















때때로 찾아들어

새 살을 돋게 하는


무심한 시간 속에

한 편의 시가 되어


시공을 넘어 놓아라

징검다리 같은 너



Love in My Memory

Je Jeong-rye


The love sometimes visits me;

it gets me to have new flesh.


In the time of indifference

it becomes a piece of poetry.


O my dear, beyond time and space

surely you are stepping stones.



















오늘 저 나무들이

파릇파릇 눈 뜨는 것은


이 며칠 새들이 와서

재잘댔기 때문이다


고 작은 부리로 연신

불러냈기 때문이다




Joh Dong-hwa


Today the trees began to bud;

they look as fresh as they can be.


The reason is that birds came here

for a few days and they twittered.


Moreover, using the small beaks,

the birds called out the green buds.

















조 운


투박한 나의 얼굴

두툼한 나의 입술


알알이 붉은 뜻을

내가 어이 이르리까


보소라 임아 보소라

빠개 젖힌 이 가슴.




A Pomegranate

Joh Wun



My face is so rough and coarse.

My lips are so thick and full.


Though each grain has each red goal,

how can I tell each goal to you?


Look at me. O dear, look at me.

Just take a look at my split chest.















연꽃 차


축축한 의식 속에
눈을 뜨는 적막 하나

아득히 멀어진 것
팽팽히 당기면서

그 푸른 연꽃의 바다
발화하는 화엄경.




Lotus Flower Tea

Joh Gyeong-soon


There’s a hush which has come up

during the tea ceremony.


With a jerk it hooks and pulls

some memories from far away.


The blue sea of lotus flowers

means the Flower Garland Sutra.
















조 명 선


꽃가루 깊게 번진

내 사랑은 가렵다


한순간 피었다 지는

따윈 몰라도 좋다


꽃물로 돌고 또 돌아

허공을 긁더라



The First

Joh Myeong-seon


With pollen spread all over

my love tickles, feeling itchy.


I don’t need to know ‘the first,’

as it blooms and falls so soon.


But ‘the first,’ like floral water,

turns and flails round in the air.




















작열하는 태양아래

삭신을 녹여가며


출렁이는 갯내음과

심해의 정념들을


하얗게 떨쳐낸 사리로

피워내는 삶의 결정.



The Salt Field

Joh Yeong-du


The body is melted down

under the sun that is scorching.


The waving smell of the seashore

and the passions of the deep sea.


The white grains, the crystals of life,

shake off the smell and the passions.

















산일 山日



우리 절 밭두렁에

벼락 맞은 대추나무


무슨 죄가 많았을까

벼락 맞을 놈은 난데


오늘도 이런 생각에

하루해를 보냅니다.



My Days in the Mountain

Joh Oh-hyeon


Our temple has a jujube tree

on a ridge between the fields.


The tree was struck by the lightning.

As I have sins, I should be struck.


Today, too, thinking about it,

I spend my day in the mountain.



















당신은 내게 선물

우리는 서로 선물


보느니 선물이요

듣느니 선물인 걸


달빛은 엄니 자장가

감사 감사합니다.



A Gift

Joh Jeong-je


You have been a gift to me.

We’ve been a gift to each other.


What I see will be a gift.

What I hear will be a gift.


The moonlight is Mom’s lullaby.

I feel grateful; thanks for all.


















비 개인 날



비 개인 새 아침은

하늘 문 활짝 열고


연초록 맺은 망울

봄바람에 손 타는 날


포르르 멧새 날개짓

초록물이 떨어진다




The Day When It Stopped Raining

Joh Jeong-hyang


In the morning it stopped raining;

the sky opens its door wide.


A spring breeze is so busy

caressing greenish raindrops.


Fluttering, a bunting flies up

with green water dripping down.















내가 독하다구? 뜨겁게 사랑해봐!


내 마음 풀어지며 달달하게 다가서지


뜨끈한 해장국처럼 당신 속도 풀어주지




A Green onion

Joh Hong-won


Do you think I?m pungent?

Try loving me with passion!


Then I may be soft-hearted

and become sweet towards you.


I can sooth your heavy stomach

like a hot soup for hangover.


















목련꽃 밤은



나무는 서성이며

백년을 오고 가고


바위야 앉아서도

천년을 바라본다


짧고나, 목련꽃 밤은

한 장 젖은 손수건




The Night of the Magnolias Is

Ji Sung-chan


Swaying around at the same place,

trees have spent a hundred years.


Rocks have sat without moving,

but they’ve seen a thousand years.


The short night of the magnolias

is a hanky which is wet.















모래의 여정



파도에 떠밀려도 마음은 늘 은 모래밭


밀물과 썰물 따라 멈추고 흘러가며


얼마를 더 대껴져야 별이 되어 반짝일까




The Journey of Sand

Jin Gil-ja


Though the waves wash the sand away,

its mind is on the silver sand.


Following the ebb and flow,

it stops flowing and flows again.


How much more does it need to suffer,

to be shiny as a star?























무심히 빈자리에

양수羊水처럼 괴는 눈물


잦아드는 울음살

저리는 어둠 속을


꿰벗은 이름 하나가

유백등乳白燈을 켜든다



The Light

Jin Bok-hee

It’s all tearful to the blank edge,

like the water of the little womb.


Its flickering gets weaker

and it gets numb in the darkness.


Just in time, through the plain darkness

someone lights a milk-white lamp.















새벽 별빛



누군가의 아픔으로 어둠을 벼리는 별빛


세상 꽃눈 다 틔우고 홀로 열매 맺히도록


죽도록 산다는 것은 혼신으로 빛나는 것




The Starlight at Dawn

Jin Soon-boon

The starlight sharpens darkness

with the pain of somebody.


It tries to help flower buds sprout

and to help trees yield fruit.


For dear life, it’s trying its best,

glittering with all its strength.




















응달에서도 숨을 죽인

동면(冬眠)을 일깨우면


지축(地軸)을 뚫고 걷는

저 푸른 새싹 있어


파란 꿈 촉심을 뽑아

물레를 잣고 있다




Cheon Suk-nyeo

Holding its breath in the shade, too,

a seed slept long during winter.


Then it woke up from its long sleep;

its green shoot sprouts out of the earth.


The fresh shoot pulls up a bluish dream,

spinning the wheel for the dream.














빈 잔


손님을 기다리는 텅 빈 찻집 여주인


앞뒷집 망한 사연 시시콜콜 캐고 앉아


빈 잔에 무지개 담으려 되새김질 하고 있다




An Empty Cup

Choi Gi-ung

As the teahouse is empty,

the owner waits for guests to come.


She inquires of the reasons

why nearby stores are all closed up.


In order to fill her empty cup

with a rainbow, she thinks of it.

















혼자 앉아서



가만히 오는 비가

낙수져서 소리하니


오마지 않은 이가

일도 없이 기다려져,


열릴 듯 닫힌 문으로

눈이 자주 가더라.



Sitting Alone

Choi Nam-seon


It has rained without a sound,

but the raindrops make lots of noise.


It makes me wait for the person

who didn’t promise to come to me.


No wonder I frequently peer

at the closed door that may open.















초원의 아침



암스테르담 미술관에

베르메르의 그림하나


밤낮없이 우유를 따른다

침침한 부엌에서


이 세상 기아飢餓를 위해,

그 여인은 오늘도


The Morning of a Pasture

Choi Do-seon


The Museum of Amsterdam

has a picture by Vermeer.


In the picture, a lady pours milk

day and night in the dim kitchen.

To remove hunger from the earth,

she’s pouring milk today, too.
















단풍의 고백



한순간 바람이다

아낌없이 쏟아내는


갈채에 떠나라는

압화가 될 붉은 말씀


눈 속에 묻혀서 남길

짧은 날의 긴 흔적



The Confession of Red-tinted Autumnal Leaves

Choi Seong-ah


A gust of wind blows for a flash,

and the leaves fall down in showers.


“You should leave when they praise you.”

The red words stay like pressed flowers.


In the snow, they will be buried

as the long trace of the short day.



















흔들려야 하느니라

한 말씀만 하셨으면


그 모진 바람 앞에

꼿꼿하지 않았을 걸


꺾이면 다 잃는 줄 알고

몸부림친 긴 세월




Choi Suk-yeong


“You’d better be flexible.”

He should have told me such advice,


Then I would not stand upright

in the face of the strong wind.


If broken, I’d lose all, I thought.

I struggled in pain for a long time.
















석류, 웃다

최 순 향



고독도 잘 익으면 너에겐 웃음일라 


고운 치열 자랑하며 활짝 웃는 그 모습 


부시게, 눈이 부시게 사리(舍利)로 꽉 찬 속내



A Pomegranate Smiles

Choi Soon-hyang


If solitude becomes mature,

it means a smile to you.


You give us a big smile,

showing off your lovely teeth.


Brilliantly, you shine brilliantly

because you’re filled with ‘sarira’*.




* sarira: small crystals which are found among cremated remains of monks
















피기 전 캐내야지

꽃피면 못 먹는다


다 못한 봄 이야기

남기고 떠난 엄마


꽃피고 지고 또 지고

식어버린 냉이 국



A Mother’s Heart Flower

Choi Seung-gwan

Dig it up before it blooms.

If it blooms, it?s not edible.


Mom didn’t finish such good words

about spring, but she passed away.


Flowers bloom, wither and wither;

The herbal soup lost its warmth.


















풀잎에 바람이듯

우리 서로 있자요


갈미봉 구름이듯

우리 서로 있자요


정자와 느티나무이듯

세월 하냥 있자요




The Prologue

Choi Seung-beom


Like the wind on a grass leaf,

please let’s stay together.


Like the clouds of Galmi Peak

please let’s stay together.


While we live, let’s be together

like pavilions and zelkovas.


















눈이 눈을 감싸주는 아름다운 밤이었다.


조용히 흉허물을 덮어주는 밤이었다.


세상은 디딜 틈 없는 꽃밭으로 변했다.




A Snowy Night

Choi Eon-jin


As snowflakes hugged each other,

the night was so beautiful.


As they covered defects quietly,

the night was so wonderful.


The world turned into a garden

which was full of flowers.




















숲 속에 가면



숲속에 들어가 보라 거기에 바람이 있다


천 년의 새소리도 곰삭은 나무 향기도


없는 건 사람의 손 때 넘치는 건 물소리



If You Go into the Forest

Choi Oh-gyun


Please enter the forest,

and you’ll meet a gentle breeze there.


You’ll hear birds sing amazingly,

and you’ll smell the scent of trees.


What’s absent is the trace of humans;

what’s abundant is water sound.



















빨갛게 물든 것은

노을만이 아니다


두고 온 이역만리

고향산천 못잊어


그리움 저 노을로 뜬

이 가슴의 생채기.



The Sunset Glow

Choi Ok-ja


What’s dyed red is not only

the crimson glow of the sunset.


I can’t forget the scenery

of my hometown far, far away.


My longing, like the sunset glow,

brings the red pain to my mind.





















세계화 이루어서 오대양 육대주를


하나의 지도가 된 우리는 형제지간


국경선 없는 다문화 정답게 살아가세





Choi Yun-pyo


The world becomes globalized

with five oceans and six continents.


With one map without borders

we all live in brotherhood.


All living in multiple cultures,

let?s share our love with others.




















천상에 살림 차린  

천생연분 비익조 한 쌍 


뭐 땜에 세간들을 

우르르 쾅, 부수어 댈까?


사랑은 부싯돌처럼 

부딪쳐서 불이 붙나



Choi Hwa-su


A good pair of mythical birds

settled down in the heaven.


What made them destroy their goods?

They’re making rumbling noises.


Like a flint, they hit each other

to have two hearts ablaze with love.
















1 페이지 



낮달 향해 돌진하는

비행기의 긴 꼬리 운


허공에 그린 일획의

전언傳言같은 구름 문자를


어선漁船의 푸른 기척들이

팽팽하게 끌고 간다.



Page 1

Pyo Mun-soon


The contrail of a jet plane

is dashing to a day moon.


Cloud characters are in a line

like a message left in the air.


The green signs, like a fishing boat,

are pulling the characters.
















여름 강가에서



깊고 오랜 소망들을 익혀가는 뙤약볕에


결실을 노래하는 가을을 예비하며


내 안에 환히 피어날 새 꽃밭을 가꾼다.




By the River in Summer

Ha Soon-hee


The hot sun has tried so hard

to realize deep long wishes.


I prepare to celebrate

a good harvest in autumn.


I’m tending a new flower bed

to see flowers inside me.






















할아버지 헛기침소리 넉넉한 이 마을에


아낙들은 부스스 눈을 씻고 일어나고


깨어난 멧새 한 마리 깃을 치고 나온다.




A New Dawn

Han Dong-yeon

My grandfather clears his throat;

the sound spreads through the village.


The women, who look unkempt,

get out of bed, rubbing their eyes.


A bunting which has just awakened

is coming out, preening feathers.


















노을이 아름다운 것은



찬란한 모습보다

때를 아는 너이기에


한낮의 이글댐이

아직은 남아있어도


질 때를 알고 지는 네가

그래서 더 아름답다.



The Reason Why Sunset Is Beautiful

Han Sang-mok

Not seeking a bright figure,

you seem to know the good timing,


The blazing of the midday

still remains, not leaving us.

But you look far more beautiful

because you know when to set.


















주전골의 단풍



새빨간 단풍 한 잎 십이담에 떨어져


시어는 찰랑대며 종이배로 흘러가다


멱 감던 선녀 가슴에 연심불을 당기네.




The Red-tinted Autumnal Leaves of Jujeon Vale

Han Sang-cheol


A red leaf of the maple tree

flutters down on Shibi Pond.


Poetic words slop around,

and float away like paper boats.


The fairies, taking a bath there,

are entranced by the charm.




















봄물보다 깊으니라

가을산보다 높으니라


달보다 빛나리라

돌보다 굳으리라


사랑을 묻는 이 있거든

이대로만 말하리.




Han Yong-un


It’s deeper than springtime tints.

It’s higher than autumn hills.


It’s brighter than the moon.

It’s harder than a pebble.


I’ll answer with the above words

if someone asks about love.


















해 원


네 가슴의 빈 뜨락에

꽃 한 송이 심습니다


그리움으로 물든 꽃잎

곱게 피길 바라면서


설익은 노을빛으로

꼭꼭 눌러 심습니다




A Daffodil

Hae Won


In the blank of your mind

I am planting a daffodil.


I hope it’ll grow to be lovely

with the petals of my longing.


In the glow of a half-red sunset,

I’m planting it, pressing the soil.
















연보라 옷고름에

옥 반지 고운 자태


은비녀 달빛 감아

높은 뜻 헤아리니


삼경에 별무리 지면

나의 문을 여시오




Loving You to High Heaven

Heo Gi-won

Your breast-ties are violet color;

you look good with your jade ring.


Your hairpin, made of silver,

receives moonlight in worship.


At midnight when many stars twinkle,

come to open my door, dear.















아버지 내 나이쯤

꽃상여 타고 간 길


아들 며느리 손자

앞서거니 올라간 길


상석에 술 한 잔 올리니

환한 봉분 꽃밭이네.



The onset of Spring

Heo Min-hong

When my father was at my age,

he left us in a floral bier.


I go to him with my own son,

daughter-in-law, and grandson.


The wine glass on his flat stone table

makes his grave a flower bed.





















자꾸만 울지 마라

장맛비도 멈출 날 오듯


쥐구멍에도 해 뜰 날

한 번은 찾아오듯


비바람 그치고 나면

청초한 세상, 찾아오리.



To Life

Heo Sang-hoi


Don’t whimper so frequently.

The long rain, too, stops some day.


At least once, a chance will come

that a sun shines in a mouse hole.


Certainly a fresh world will come

when a rainstorm passes by.



















새 순들이 깨어나는

오늘은 꿈만 같아라.


거듭나는 초록 물결

출렁이는 풀꽃바다


마음은 쪽빛 창이 되고

입술은 시어詩語가 된다.




A Spring Day

Hong Seung-pyo


As new leaves bud on the trees,

today I’m as if in a dream.


The green waves spread rolling on

like a sea of grass flowers.


My mind turns into a blue window;

my lips become poetic diction.















날마다 e-mail


행여나 기별인가

어둠 속에 피는 말씀


수신 없이 헤매 돌다

지쳐버린 보관함에


돌아와 들어앉은 건

맹목의 너, 혹은 집착



E-mails Every Day

Hong Oh-seon


I wonder if there’s a message.

The words bloom in the darkness.


My mail wandered without response,

and then it’s saved in my folder.


What returns to be seated is you,

who has blindness or attachment.














어머니의 밥



엄니가 키우신 밥

사랑의 보리밥알


쌀밥보다 몸 난다고

다듬던 어머니의 밥


나이든 날 바라볼 때

그 시절이 아린다.



My Mother’s Boiled Grains

Hong Yun-pyo

My mother grew barley herself,

so barley grains mean her true love.


She filled my bowl with boiled barley,

as barley is better than rice.


When I look at my wrinkled old face

the old days make my heart ache.

















갑돌이 갑순이는

밀당을 하고 있다


살짝 쿵 윙크 속에

후드득 무너지는


가시나 와락 안기다

새침하게 등 돌린다


A Light Rain While the Sun Shines

Hwang Jeong-hee


Gap-do-ri and Gap-su-ni*

play the mind game, ‘Push-and-Pull.’

Whenever he winks at her,

she relents toward him.


What a girl! Being held in his arms,

she turns back against him.



* Gap-do-ri and Gap-su-ni: Jack and Jill in the English-speaking society



'해돋이(Sunrise):영문번역시조집 ' 카테고리의 다른 글

출판기념회 2  (0) 2020.01.12
해돋이 출판기념회 1  (0) 2020.01.12
해돋이 표지  (0) 2020.01.12
